Friday, February 23, 2007


Nha Fala

Flora Gomes
Beautiful use of colors in the movie

Looks like fun hun:)

One of my favourite African actress Fatou Ndiaye plays in this movie by Mr .Gomes from Guinea Equatorial, he's part of that school of African intelectuals/artists who made it their goal in life to represent Africa in a better light.

He started his professional career as a journalist for the government before directing towards the end of the seventies couple of short movies. In 1988 he directed the memorable piece "Mortu Nega" in which he talks about the fight for Independence for Guinea equatorial.

He's also remenbered for his movie,"Les Yeux Bleu de Yonta"on which the focus is on 3 individuals living in Guinea post/independence follows their lives, hope, and deceptions.

In most of his work he tends to accentuate his sense of patriotism; however in last one

Nha Fala he takes a comedic approach. This piece follows the journey of a young woman who was forbidden by family traditions to sing otherwise she would surely die, well you know we are young women hard-headed , she goes to Paris falls in love and

Anywhoo seems fun, haven't seen it yet but given the chance I will.

Djaa les gens de Guinee Equatorial sont dans le chaud:)
Eyee Wayee:)


This is my fav' it just a woman who knows who she is and owns her self!!

Dyam like Myriam would say

Is that right?

Naty and the apple of her eyes


Sexy without trying 2 be

Love the wrap
I love the lost in the city look in this pic

FuturisticAfrican Queen chilling like a vilain

Aight people I met this beautiful sista in the virtual world, decided to interview her because she had something about her, well I wasn't wrong, she's smart, knows where she's from and def' part of the African New Diaspora.

Discover the world of An African sista, Financial Consultant by day and1 Beautiful Photographic Muse by night ...we Can Be it all ladizz
English answers in purple, black for french (aren't u the lucky

Let's GO!
Comment te definis tu en temps que femme Africaine? french
How do you define yourself as an African Woman?english

Je dirais que je suis une femme de 26 ans qui tente de revendiquer au travers des images ces racines .J'essaie d'exprimer a ma facon la beauté africaines des années 30 a nos jours car je rends hommages a mes sœurs et ses femmes des précédentes générations . Je suis fière de ce que je répresente et le besoin de passer par un media comme la photographie est avant tout pour moi un moyen de mettre en image la quete culturelle dans laquelle je suis.

She's 1 young woman of 26 years old who tried through her pictures to represent her African roots. She tries to express the African Beauty of the 30's because she wants to pay respect to them , photography is a mean for her to do so.

Je suis née en France et mes parents ont immigrés dans le pays en 1975 suite au fonction politique de mon père.
Pour «s 'intégrer » comme on le dit mes parents avaient interdit a mes freres et sœurs de parlé le LINGALA qui est ma langue d'origine.Donc j ai grandit comme ca , et puis a l adolescence j ai eu ce besoin d affirmer ma différence. Car pour moi la couleur de ma peau est un don Dieu

J ai commencé par aller en cours en portant des pagnes sur ma tête car c'était important pour moi de porter ce morceaux de tissus qui en disait long sur mon histoires et mes origines. On parle souvent du sénégal et autres pays d'afrique qui auraient subit un exode forcé mais pas mal de gens venant du congo ont aussi subit cette exode et les femmes en signe de protestation portaient des pagnes sur leur tete donc c'était un symbole tres fort pour moi. Et par la suite ce besoin de revendiquer ce que j'etais ne passait plus uniquement par mon apparence , mais elle se manifestait par mon desir de connaissance sur ce que nous sommes. Et de connaissance en connaissance j ai pu me forger une personnalité et me voila la au jour d aujourd'hui .

Her parents moved in France1975, she was born in France and while growing up she wasn't allowed to speak Lingala (Congo's language) and in high school she felt the need to represent her African culture by wearing African wraps on her head. Congolese women back in the day who moved to France were wearing it as symbol of pride in their culture.

At first for her it was more to show her pride , finally she didn't feel the need to do i through clothing rather through knowledge.

Coment vois tu vu ton africanite et la sensualite que tu degages?
How do you see the relationship btw your africanite and your iner sensuality?

Sensualité lol merci du compliment , disons que je tente te montrer au travers d'images qu'une femmes noire est belle et desirable apres si j y arrive c'est super.

Thanks for the compliment, I just try to show through pics that black women are attractive & beautiful,and I'm able to do it , great!

Comment es tu tomber dans le manequinat?
How did you fall into modelling?

Je ne considere pas franchement que ce que fais sois du domaine du mannequinat lol je suis petite j ai des formes aucune chance d'etre la prochaine naomie.
I don't really take myself as a model, I am short far from a career a la Naomie.

After giving birth I took pictures for a designer friend of mine (NUFFRESPEC) & through that opportunity met other photographers which allowed me to illustrate the life of a black woman in her daily life.

Mais disons que en fait apres mon accouchement j avais fais quelques photos, mais rien de tres engagé c'était juste pour le fun mais j avais bien aimé le concept. Et puis un jour un ami qui une marque de vetement soul NUFFRESPECT m'a proposé de posé avec l'un des ces tee shirt et par la suite j ai pu rencontré d'autres photographes et mettre en images différents moment de vie d'une femme noire de nos jours.

J'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer des gens supers en faisant de la photo et j ai eu la chance de travaillers avec des photographes de talents.

Tu m'as dit que tu travailles dans le systeme bancaire , comment arrives tu a marrier les 2 ?
I know that you work in the banking system, how are you able to do both?

Mon combat pour revendiquer ce que je suis passe egalement par mon activité professionnelle car il est essentiellement de montrer que nous aussi ont peut etre des acteurs majeurs de l economie de ce pays . Je suis consultante en finance de marché et mon métier reste mon activité premiere car j'aime ce que je fais. Je me suis battue pour en arriver la .

Well my fight is to show that we as African women are able to contribute to the economy, I am a financial consultante and I love what i do, I worked very hard to get here.

Que fais tu en dehors de tes 2 boulots?
What do you do besides these 2 activities?

Je passe du temps avec ma fille et ma famille, j'ai des journée bien remplit donc c'est vrai que je n'ai pas le temps de faire autre choses. Sinon j'ecoute beaucoup de soul music et de jazz.

I spend time w/my daughter and my family, I am really busy but I love to listen to jazz and soul music.

Coment te vois tu dans 5 ans?
How do u see yourself in 5 years?

Dans 5 ans , j'espere etre accomplit dans ma vie professionnelle et dans ma vie personnelle. Mais je serai dans un pays anglosaxons ca c'est certains.

I hope to be both settled in both my professional & personal life but I will be in an English speaking country for sure.

comment te definis en temps que femme congolaise dans la societe francaise?
How do you define yourself as a Congolese woman in the French society?

Je ne suis pas communautaire donc je me considere comme une femme a part entiere donc rien qui se limite a mon pays entiere qui ce bats tout les jours pour ne pas etre un maillon de la chaine cette société. J'aspire a ce que mes descendant soit des acteurs majeurs de notre economie et pas des laisser pour compte. Mon père m a donné des valeurs et la reussite n'est pas un simple mot pour moi c'est un etat d'esprit.

I just define myself as a woman who wants to contribute to the economy of this country, my father taught me well and for me SUCCESS IS NOT JUST A WORD IT'S A MIND SET.

comment vois tu l'avenir de l'afrique? solutions tangibles?
How do you see the futur of Africa?
Je n ai pas la pretentions d'avoir l once d'une solution pour l'afrique mais je pense que si l'homme noir devenait plus solidaire et plus ambitieux ca changerai beaucoup de choses dans nos pays.

I don't have the arrogance to say that I have any solutions for Africa, however I believe that if black people plearn how to be more united and ambitious it would hep us greatly.

Y retournes tu souvent? te vois tu t'y installer?
Do you go back often? Could you move there?

La derniere fois que je suis allée au Congo, j'avais 12 ans . J'en garde un tres bon souvenir mais c'est vrai que je n ai pas eu l occasion d'y retourner

Last time I went I was 12 and haven't got the chance to go back .

Je ne sais pas si tu portes les cheveux naturels, mais si oui coment est la reaction de la societe francaise ou meme africaine par raport au mouvement afro?
Do you wear a 'fro? and if yes what's the French society's reaction?

Malheuresement non mon univers professionnel ne me permets pas de me coiffer ainsi. Ce qui a de plus marrant c'est qu'a l'epoque ou j ai commencé a porter des afros ou a mettre des pagnes sur ma tete. J ai remarqué que les reactions les plus vives venaient des mes frères. J'ai entendu des c'est bien ma fille continue ou alors arretes tes betises qu'a tu besoin de revendiquer comme ca. Mais quand meme pas mal de positif dans l ensemble. Puis apres tout c'est une quete personnelle donc les reactions des gens m importent peu .

Unfortunately because of my job I can't , way back in the days when I used to my brothers had both positve and negative opinions. But overall, it was positive, even though it was my choice and I don't need the approval of others.

Coment comparerais tu la femme africaine de 2day par raport a celle de la generation de nos meres?
How would you compare the African woman of today and the 1 of our mothers?

Disons que les femmes noires d'aujourd'hui sont beaucoup plus déterminées a etre accomplie dans touts les domaines qu'il soit professionnelle , familliales et affectifs. Nos meres ont trop souffert et je pense que reussir et la plus belle marque de respect que l on peut leur offrir.

I believe that our mothers suffered too much, we are more determined to be successful , and succes would be the best way to pay them respect.

Si tu es ne en france, te consideres tu plus francaise qu'africaine?
Do you feel more French than African?

J'ai la change d'avoir le metissage de deux cultures je sais d'où je viens mais je suis francaise egalement. Et je pense que le metissage culturelles c est ca la vraie richesse.

I have the chance to belong to both, and to be culturally mixed which is wonderful.

Vois tu bcp de femmes d'orinine africaine reussir de plus en plus soit en entreprise ou a leur propre compte?
Do you see more African women being succesful ?

Oui j en vois et ca prouve que le combat paie. Je sais que dans les générations a venir ,la femme noire aura encore plus de poids dans notre société. Je suis maman donc faut bien que je brief ma fille lol.

I feel that the next generations will carry more weight than us, I need to train my

Si l'on devait changer quelque chose par raport a notre mentalite africaine qu'aimerait tu que lon change?
If we were to change something in our mentality, what would it be?

La solidarité, je pense qu'une fois que les noires auront compris ca on pourra enfin avancer.
Once black people will understand that we have to help each other, we will be ok.

Est ce qu'il ya bcp d'unite entre les africains en france ou bien remarque tu tjrs ce sentiment de superiorite/inferiorite?

L unité :Pas assez a mon sens mais j'espere qu un jour on n'y parviendra.

Personnellement je ne me sens inferieur ni superieur a personne je fais mon bout de chemin en essayant de respecter les valeurs que mes parents m ont enseigné et pour l'instant ca marche.

I don't feel better or less than anybody else, I just try to do what I gotta do while respecting the values my parents taught me.

Comment te sens tu en temps que jeune mere? difficultes et joie?
How do you feel as a young mother?

Ma force c'est ma fille , elle s'apelle Elyah et c'est grace a elle que je me sens accomplit . C'est grace a elle que je veux reussir et c'est grace a elle que j ai le sourire.

My strenght is my daughter Elyah i'ts because of her that I feel successful. It'because of her that I smile.

C'est vrai que ca n'a pas été évidant d'avoir un enfant jeune, mais c'est tellement de bonheur en meme temps que ca forge le caractère.J'ai eu des difficultés mais je me suis battue et ca a payé.

It hadn't been easy to be a young mumy , but it brought me happiness. It was difficult but I fought and it payed.

Qu'est ce que tu aimerais que ton enfant apprenne de l'afrique?
What would you like for your child to learn about Africa?

Qu 'elle sache d ou elle viens, qu elle connaisse son histoire et qu'elle aille de l'avant rien ne sert de cultiver de la haine . le vrai combat est ailleurs maintenant. Et c'est avec ce genre de valeures que les prochaines générations seront des acteurs majeurs de nos pays. A trop regarder derrière soit on avance pas.

That she learns where she's from , that she knows her history and that she keeps going in life.

This is how the new generation will be great leaders of our countries. There's no need to always look back, let's keep going..

Thank you Naty, It was a pleasure interviewing you sista.
Keep being an articulate, smart, beautiful badass African sista!!

This is her Photo/Webbie:

Djaa les gos du Congo sont fierce:)
Eyee Wayeee:)


Beautiful Man


I.N with Senghor

The Sacrifice

The Cry


The little Fisherman

Jazz in Manhattan

How can I explain that being from Senegal ,I have never heard of Iba Ndiaye or if I did I don't recall much about him.

He's 1 of the father of painting of Senegal, he was born and raised in St Louis Senegal, that's where as a teenager he started her career as a painter , using his gift of brush and colors for the posters of the movie theater in his hometown.

While in France, years later he set up to study at l'Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris where he developed a love for jazz music while being a frequent presence at jazz clubs.

After the Independence of Senegal , at the request of President Senghor he returned home, to open the first ever school of the Beaux Arts in Dakar (waouh what an honor and an accomplishment)

He hated the movement of conformism in his industry which prompted to leave Dakar toward Europe where he felt free to express his art without compromising.

Mr Ndiaye all throughout his career was respected internationally, mostly in Germany where he was given the honor of being the suject of an exposition which travelled from Germany to to Holland and Finland.

There's so much more to know about Iba Ndiaye who's now 79 , here's his webbie if you are interested:

Djaa our Fathers were so Talented:)
Eyee Wayeee:)

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I really wanted to post this pic..because it really kinda shows some of the reality from home when people are so poor , adults even and sometimes run after the cars to get some type of hope in the form of either money or a touch, a smile...

Mrs Diallo & Her people...

Mrs Diallo

Waving to the people to whom she's giving hope

It had to happen..someone had to be strong enough to stop this unreasonable leader of Lansana Conte.

But who could have predicted that the voice of reason would have came from a Woman who started her career as an administrative secretary to be today 1 of the top leaders(General Secretary) & the face of the GuineanWorkforce Union .

As most of you may know already, Guinea is going through rough political times, w/at least 100 civil deaths...the people of Guinea are fed up w/the regime of Lansane Conte and want him simple as that..!!!

The salaries are meagre, the cost of living, the cost of transportation are terribly high for a poor population that can't handle it financially...well you know how it goes...


Okay well Mrs Diallo is making her duty to stand up and to say "TROP C'EST TROP"

Last month, her and members of her union went on a marche which turned violent, w/police throwing tear gas at them, their headquarters attacked .....

Whatever the case, despite Mr. Conte words to her"I never lost a war"
Mrs Diallo is still standing what for her people and for what she deems right..and she is...right!

It's also important 2 note that even during her in January strike, she and the members of her union had decided to accomodate the pilgrims as well as accomodate people who need medical services...(I really wanted people to realise that she's not unreasonable)

Of course she's received threats..of course and pressure from her family not to be such a visible target...
Here's an iterview of her after the violent incident w/the police:

Djaa les Femmes de la Guinee sont des Femmes Forte:)
Eyee Wayeee:)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


The Designer

Worthy of a Princess



Simple & Elegant

Looooove It

Exotic Tunique

New things I 'm learning everyday....I never thought that there were such an industry as the Caftan Haute Couture...waouh !!!

Rkia is a young pioner who hails from Marocco...just like most of us African, she went to get an education in the field designated by her folks, in order to make them happy even though her real passion laid in Fashion Design...

After graduation, she moved back to Marocco and re-conected w/her passion...and is now at the head of her own boutique and firm....where she mixes modernism and western flair in her design of beautiful caftans....

She has 2 lines: ready to wear& couture

Here's her webbie:
Djaa les gos du Maroc sont dans le chaud:)
Eyeee Wayee:)


Aida Muluneh (I didn't know that the name was popular outside of Senegal...)

You know what this pic makes me think of Cesaria's like it captures her eternal melancolie..hun..interesting ..even thought it's not her..

Cab Scene in Ethiopia

Interesting shoot

The 33 year old Photographer has been keeping busy after graduating form Howard University in 2001 w/her bachelor's degree in music, film & radio...

She's been busy shooting beautiful pictures depicting the every day life in Ethiopia and being a photographic ambassador of her beautiful Ehiopia.

She's exposed her work in the States, in museums such as the African Contemporary Art Museum in NY (by the way that musuem seems quite interesting ..a lot of work by African artists...i'll provide link)
She also created an educational organisation called DESTA (Developing & Educating Societies through the Arts)...
Cool, anywhoo for those of you living in New York here's the web address of the museum:

Djaa les gos d'Ethiopie sont dans le chaud aussi:)
Eyee Wayee:)


The Amazone of Burkina Fasso in her jeans 'xuse me (tres bien)

Her son Athlete/Business student @ T.TU

Mrs Kabore

When I see Mrs Henriette Kabore she reminds me of 1 of those aunties from home who are fierce, always dressed to the T, and sooo about their business...

I can't help but respect women like Mrs Kabore who have been able to install respect and towards her in a male -dominated field.

Mrs Kabore has been with the company BTM in Burkina Fasso for over 11 years, she's been the director of that company which focuses on construction work (it's actually the No. 1 construction comapny of that part of the world)

They are responsible for the construction of the 2 biggest amphiteaters in BF (among other things).

This dynamic lady of 46 years old, has also been appointed honorary consul of South Corea in BF ; her responsabilities include, being the bridge bw/the Corean immigrants and the people of the Fasso...

As if this was not enough she's also a consular member of the Chamber of Commerce ....
I'm telling y'all she's the real deal...

Following his mother's footsteps, her son Francis Kabore is an athlete studying Business at Tenesse T.U (be advised ladizz come correct he had his mum as

Djaa il y'a des Grandes Dames au Burkina Fasso:)
Eyee Wayee:)

Monday, February 19, 2007


Could it be la

Si ce n'est pas 1 Malien

Le Niangal ou le Farot

Homme Fatal...tu as raison


Fashion VictimCool shoot hun!!?

I'm a little vain 2day..that's what you get for being @work on a

'Xuse Me Sir What name do you go by: Siseko
'Xuse Me Sir Where are u reppin: Mali bb
'Xuse Me Sir What would your business card read: Model

Djaa les Maliens sont dans le chaud:)
Eyee Wayee:)