What is there left to say about Alphadi..his reputation is such that Im quite sure that all of you guyz have heard of him at lease once (well those of you who are french speakers)
Anywhoo if not..know that Alphadi is from Niger (not nigeria) and is 1 of the pionner of
Haute Couture in Afrika...he's organized over the years many..many fashion shows featuring a lot of other African designers..He's known to be mix of exuberance & shyness...
Anywhoo what I didnt know is that he finished a college degree in tourism & went on afterwards 2 study fashion...
He has stores in Niger, France..ect
Wanna know more:
Djaa le Niger est dans le auch aussi:)
Eyee Wayee:)
1 comment:
Hello i am from Niger and i know Alphadi personnaly
But i reside in New York City now
where do you reside
Are you doing a study in African Fashion
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