Going to the mosk to praise Allah during this Holly month of ramadan is one of the best decisions I've taken in a while. Being lost in this sea of struggling believers as myself is truly humbling, while at the mosk under the beautiful layer of colorful veils we women all wear, underneath the vibrant colors of our loincloths: we are all the same.
We are all women struggling to make it on earth and hoping for that sweet life after death. There, there's no blogger, fashionista, lawyer, maid, rich girl, poor woman we are all the same. It's def' an ego check,there as I look at these women entering the room bare- foot , with no nail polish I am reminded that the material world is not all that there is to life, I am reminded that I'm just like any woman out there with maybe and I insist on the " maybe" some more financial freedom than some.
As I was looking into the room, I realize honestly that there were not many women that I know from my neighberhood not many young doing pretty good for themselves young professionals and I asked myself why? I asked myself if by trying to be protective did some of our parents make a mistake by not teaching us through attending the mosk more often that we are all equal, having a social and financial advatange doesn't mean that we can't mix with others at the mosk. The lady I've been praying next to the last few days has a beautiful aura abt her, always smiling always trying to help me put my rug together,even though hadn't I seen her in this healthy surrounding I probably would have been quick to judge her because of her bleached skin ect..if I'm honest with myself and you guys..real talk!
You get my point, going to the mosk is teaching me to be more humble and join the community.Today 2 little girls caught my attention, they were serious about reciting the Quarinic verses, they were just serious:) I saw another young mother and her little girl wearing the head wrap and praying next to her mum, and I thought to myself I hope when I have children that I remenber to take them even if it's just once per semester to the mosk for them to feel that sense of humility that I'm learning.
Everyday, the preacher has a different message for us, today it was about the meaning of being a good person. As he explains it doesn't mean just bowing down and praying, it doesn't mean for example getting rid of old cloth , it could mean giving away with heart a beautiful piece of clothing for example that we would ourselves wear...
What I'm trying to say that besides my daily sins, going to the mosk fills my heart with great joy:)
We are all women struggling to make it on earth and hoping for that sweet life after death. There, there's no blogger, fashionista, lawyer, maid, rich girl, poor woman we are all the same. It's def' an ego check,there as I look at these women entering the room bare- foot , with no nail polish I am reminded that the material world is not all that there is to life, I am reminded that I'm just like any woman out there with maybe and I insist on the " maybe" some more financial freedom than some.
As I was looking into the room, I realize honestly that there were not many women that I know from my neighberhood not many young doing pretty good for themselves young professionals and I asked myself why? I asked myself if by trying to be protective did some of our parents make a mistake by not teaching us through attending the mosk more often that we are all equal, having a social and financial advatange doesn't mean that we can't mix with others at the mosk. The lady I've been praying next to the last few days has a beautiful aura abt her, always smiling always trying to help me put my rug together,even though hadn't I seen her in this healthy surrounding I probably would have been quick to judge her because of her bleached skin ect..if I'm honest with myself and you guys..real talk!
You get my point, going to the mosk is teaching me to be more humble and join the community.Today 2 little girls caught my attention, they were serious about reciting the Quarinic verses, they were just serious:) I saw another young mother and her little girl wearing the head wrap and praying next to her mum, and I thought to myself I hope when I have children that I remenber to take them even if it's just once per semester to the mosk for them to feel that sense of humility that I'm learning.
Everyday, the preacher has a different message for us, today it was about the meaning of being a good person. As he explains it doesn't mean just bowing down and praying, it doesn't mean for example getting rid of old cloth , it could mean giving away with heart a beautiful piece of clothing for example that we would ourselves wear...
What I'm trying to say that besides my daily sins, going to the mosk fills my heart with great joy:)