The beautiful Terry Pheto
Nelson Mandela congratulating the cast:)

If you haven't seen the movie yet, the dvd came out in July ..!!
It's the story of Tsotsi a young man who lives a dangerous life in the streets of Joburg (played by Presley Chweneyage)..
While pursing his criminal activites one day while he steals the car of a woman , he founds out a lil later that he stole more than a car ; a baby..
Being that he was an orphan he gets quicky attached to the baby and is faced to the difficlut decision of either returing the baby or keeping him...
But Tsotsi is way more than that..it's about the consequences of poverty and of misery on the youth...
Sad, poignant, touching...great piece
The movie won an Oscar for best foreign movie...
Djaa le Cinema Sud Africain est chaud:)
South Africa est dans le chaud:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
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