I love his work...didn't know much.... ok (nothing..lol) 'bout him or his work but love...love it
He's a reknown "ivoirien" (there's no translation for the word...so my english speaking
people ..bear w/me plizz ) painter who digs deep in the "Naif African Art" category ...
(l'Art a l'oeil nu...what u see is what u get)
In one interview, he explains his facination w/the curves of the African woman;
by saying that way back in time ..when African definition of beauty was not westernized
yet...men loved our curves...we were proud ourselves of our butts, chests, thighs...
he wants to reconect w/ the regular african mama..celibrate and revived them through his
vivacious use of colors and his descriptions of "everyday" activities...
Great non ...
His artwork is exposed in Cannes at the Gallerie Koussam and he also owns an art gallery in
his homecoutnry:)
Atalakou (Big up) at tous les ivoriens qui passent par la.
Djaa la Cote D'Ivoire c'est chaud:)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
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