Nina Bouraoui

Prix Renaudot 2005!

The Author Nina Bouraoui

1 of her books-Garcon Manque
Mmm interesting this woman!! Nina Bouraoui is born 2 an Algerian father and 1 french mother. She lived up until she was in her mid-teens in Algeria where herslef, her sista and mother didn't feel at ease.They felt as foreigners and never understood or compromised w/the male dominated society way of living. Nina actually found herself intrigued by the iner man power and wanted to become like them , she even wonders if that's not 1 of the reasons for her preference in women.
Yes she's openely into women ,doesn't apologize for it and live it as well as she can .
The 31 year old young woman won w/her book "Les Mauvaises Pensees" the prestigious Prix Renaudot in 2005. She's written over 9 novels .
Here's a little webbie about her work:
Djaa my Algerian sistas are doin' it:)
Eyeee Wayee:)
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