My Fav' I love the colors.... anybody ??

I wouldn't wear that...but lovely colors

Nice Suit!

Love the shirt!

N0.500 (At some point I didn't think I would be to reach this personal goal of mine,but it happened ....looking back I'm like waoih how was I able to writte 500 posts in less than 2 years...butI've learned that I still need to learn much more
I've learned that there are a lot of African peeps out there who are trying to make a change for our continent
I've learned that there are a lot of African peeps out there who are trying to make a change for our continent
I've learned that Education may not be everything..but it's definitely a great key to success
I've learned that we among African People need to be open to hear about our brothers from the West, East, North ,South
I've learned that my naja people are doin' it, and aren't afraid 2 try new things at home
I've learned that Zanzibar, Eritrea among other beautiful African countries have such a beautiful history that I will try my best 2 visit 1 day
I've learned that I can only go at my own speed blogging wise, I can only speak the way that I know how ...
I've learned that I am passionate about my continent
I've learned that I am passionate about my continent
I've learned that we African business owners need to look into technology a bit moreI've learned that it may take time, but if we put in the right time and energy we will be able to live up to "AFRICA IS THE FUTURE"
This past summer a few upcoming South African designers were given the chance to showcase their work in Paris for Paris Fashion Week because of this man;Gavin Rajah.
Gavin is of Indian heritage but was raised and grew up in South Africa .
Because of his great experience in the world of "bobbin & chiffon" I thought that he was past his 3os , I was wrong he's only 36 years old. His work has been featured in the glamorous pages of fashion mags in 2 Fashion Holly Cities of Milan & Paris.
What I like about this designer is that he's not selfish, he doesn't try 2 hold all the attention, he understands that in the world there could be 1 Gavin, 1 Sylvia Owori, etcccc....he wants 2 help the world discover the beauty
of the South African clothing...one thing I love about South African designers is that their designs cream vivacious colors, pink, yellow, orange, green , blue...all these colors which I thought only look good in a pallet...all come beautifully together on 2 runaway.
He also stands up against AIDS and violence/children
Here's 1 video clip where he explains further his humanitarian work and concerns:
Djaa SA Designers keep doin' it:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
Congrats! Yaye. F!
Thank you for such kind words and your support. I am very humbled by the inclusion in your blog. I wish you much success with all your endeavours and look forward to your continued support. Regards Gavin Rajah - Paris
Keep it up.
Love always,
Your big sis.
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