Little Miss Sunshine!!

'Xuse Me Miss What's your name? Hafsia Herzi
'Xuse Me Miss What part of Africa are yo reppin? Both Algeria and Tunisia
'Xuse Me Miss How Old are You? Simply 20 years old
'Xuse Me Miss Why should we remenber you?Well she has no prior experience beforing being chosen for the role of Rym in the movie directed by the Tunisian moviemaker
Abdellatif Kechiche, "La Graine et le Mulet" apparently she must have done a great job, because ever since she's played various roles directed by other arabic franco-arabic directors such as Abbas Fahdel in"L'aube du monde".
Hoping to see more of her work, go miss Hafsia Herzi:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
Thanks so much for this post! This will serve to educate people about the many, many looks of Africa. Most Americans have no idea just how big Africa is and that all Africans DO NOT look the same (just like any other continent). THANK YOU! :)
yeah, saw her in that film today. She was really good! Vgood actress!!
I must admit the film is superb the acting is brilliant, and yes I must say this is a young Salma Hayeck that can act :)
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