Guess who he is!!

Yep l'Africain dans le farot!

Having a blast hun Disashi!

Party like a Rock Star..lol

On Stage!
Yes u heard me a Congolese brotha is 1 Rock Star..lol..no dombolo
Disahsi is the lead guitar player for the band "Gym Class Heroes".If you are familiar w/MTV u may have seen this band of funky/corky guys..they had this song I forgot the title but it goes "take a look at my girlfriend la la la " lol..ok aight I'm sorry that's not helping but their latest album is called
"As Cruel as School Children".
The group was started by two high school friends who met..take a guess..in gym class..thus the name of the band.
Disashi wasn't the original guitar playing he's replacing 1 of the former member. I don't have much info about him, but I'm wondering if he's related to
Professor Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo who teaches in NY..not quite sure just a thought if anyone knows for shizzy please let me know..!!
Here's the video I was talking about :
Here's their webbie:
Djaa some Congolese are partying like Rock Stars in Hollywizzy:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
yep... Disashi is, in fact, the son of Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo.
you can see a pic of him with his family here.
Sorry it's the wrong flag !
The lumuba Kasongo family is from Congo Kinshasa (RDC) so the flag is the blue one with stars!
They are from the same people as Patrice Lumumba (i do not know if they are relative), Koffi Olomide and Papa Wemba!
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