" I came to this country in 1997, when I was only 18. Imagine the excitement: being away from my parents, with my own money and all the liberty I never even dared to dream about!! Even though I missed them, I was drunk of my new life in America; couldn't have enough of it!!! Thanks God, I always stayed focused on school and on my number one mission: get the highest education possible. And it paid off.
Today, I have a bachelor's degree in Accounting, I am a CPA and I'm finishing up my MBA in Finance. I'm very proud of all this and everyone say I have it going on. But why do I feel so empty inside? like a big part of me is missing? It took me a while to realize (or accept) that I'm longing to go back home.
My mind and heart are telling me that my mission here is finished. For many many years, I have had countless excuses for not going home: more experience, more money, more degrees, the green card.... But today, none of these matter anymore. I just came back from a 3 weeks vacation after 9 long years here and I felt ....HOME and WHOLE!!
No matter what people say I see endless opportunities there and I see a much bigger future than the one I can have here. And the most important thing is happiness right? Mine is in the Ivory-Coast. I might be here physically for now, but i've been gone mentally and emotionally... I'll let you know how everything goes in 2 years INCHALLA!! "
What an introduction right....well there's much more 2 this interview of the beautiful Ami Toure...
Ready or not here we go:)
1-Being 1 woman from Ivory Coast means to me
Being intelligent, hardworking and elegant.
2-I am thankful for my Ivory Coast upbringing because
2-I am thankful for my Ivory Coast upbringing because
We learn to enjoy life at all times.
3-Ivory Coast is where my heart belongs.
4- Women from Ivory Coast are special because
3-Ivory Coast is where my heart belongs.
4- Women from Ivory Coast are special because
being nurturing, mature and responsible
6-Passion is
6-Passion is
Strongly believing in something and fighting for it with all your heart and strength
7-Education means
7-Education means
opening the door to a brighter future
9-It is our duty as african women to educate ourselves and our children. This to me is the most important contribution we can make towards the development of the African continent.
10-Spirituality is believing in a merciful, forgiving God and believing in Karma. All your actions come back to you tenfold, the good and the bad.
11- Men from Ivory Coast are JERKS!! lol lol... They are interesting, determined and full of surprises but u got to be careful with them!!

12-What i like the most about my culture is
9-It is our duty as african women to educate ourselves and our children. This to me is the most important contribution we can make towards the development of the African continent.
10-Spirituality is believing in a merciful, forgiving God and believing in Karma. All your actions come back to you tenfold, the good and the bad.
11- Men from Ivory Coast are JERKS!! lol lol... They are interesting, determined and full of surprises but u got to be careful with them!!

12-What i like the most about my culture is
the happiness and the warmth
13- What i like the least is
13- What i like the least is
the overbearing pression from family, especially regarding marriage.
14-if i was to represent my country by 1 thing, 1 fact? it would be why?
14-if i was to represent my country by 1 thing, 1 fact? it would be why?
By dancing because Ivorians will always dance and have fun, even in the most extreme conditions.
15- my country is improving socially because of
15- my country is improving socially because of
the creation of multiple non for profit organizations/support groups for women.
16- my country needs to improve in the political arena.
17- living abroad I stay connected to my roots-- Very much
17- to me when I see african artists like Akon being succesful in America it represents the fact that hard work and perseverence always pay off.
18- I feel that social issues such as education, poverty and corruption are important.
19-The products from Ivoiry Coast that I use are
16- my country needs to improve in the political arena.
17- living abroad I stay connected to my roots-- Very much
17- to me when I see african artists like Akon being succesful in America it represents the fact that hard work and perseverence always pay off.
18- I feel that social issues such as education, poverty and corruption are important.
19-The products from Ivoiry Coast that I use are

coffee, hot chocolate, spices.
20- I wish that people knew that we people from Ivoiry Coast are simple even if we sometimes put on "important and serious" faces.
22- I wish that brothers from Ivory Coast understood that good , loving women don't come along all time.
23-what do u do?
20- I wish that people knew that we people from Ivoiry Coast are simple even if we sometimes put on "important and serious" faces.
22- I wish that brothers from Ivory Coast understood that good , loving women don't come along all time.
23-what do u do?
24- My mission in life is
24- My mission in life is
help create opportunities for women and young girls in the Ivory-Coast.
25-I am thankful for
25-I am thankful for

26-Of my culture I will teach
my children to be kind and warm
27-To me being an African woman
27-To me being an African woman
as a whole means carrying yoursel with poise and dignity in everything you do.
28-I feel that we are different from our mother generation because
28-I feel that we are different from our mother generation because
we are less submissive and more financially independent
29-I feel that we are similar to american, european women in that we all have the same feelings:
29-I feel that we are similar to american, european women in that we all have the same feelings:

Joy, happiness, disappointment, sadness, hurt or betrayal don't have a color, shape or nationality.
30-my life devise is?
30-my life devise is?
God is in control. Work as hard as you can, do as much good around you as you can and leave everything else in His Hands.
31-to me spirituality or religion is
31-to me spirituality or religion is
knowing that God is always by our sides. All the experiences we go through in life are just necessary steps before we accept and appreciate what He has in store for us.
32-my fondest memory is
32-my fondest memory is
not having developped a close relationship with God earlier on in my life. But it's never too late right? and having God in my heart COMPLETELY changed my life!
34-my fav' african desinger? writter? artist is?
34-my fav' african desinger? writter? artist is?
Actually my favorite writter is Paulo Coelho -- Not African. Sorry :-))
35-which african countries have u visited? which ones would u like to ? which one left a lasting impression on u?
35-which african countries have u visited? which ones would u like to ? which one left a lasting impression on u?
I am ashamed to say I haven't visited any.
36-is there enough of a dialogue btw african women of various african countries ? do we even try to really understand each other?
36-is there enough of a dialogue btw african women of various african countries ? do we even try to really understand each other?
I have helped my country in all the ways that I possibly could.
38-my fav' book is?
38-my fav' book is?
The alchemist by Paulo Coelho (Actually I love ALL his books but sincve I have to choose one...)
39- wealth is
39- wealth is
being satisfied with who you are and what you have in life.
40-what I know for sure in life is
40-what I know for sure in life is
if you have everything you want in life and absolutely no one to share it with, you have nothing.
Well said sista ..Rien a dire sista et ajouter except "ne lache pas l'affaire"
Really a beautiful thang to see a sista blossoming..
Sometimes when your heart call you to do som' u just gotta follow it**
Can't wait 2 see u years from now somewhere in Abidjan at the head of your own practice
Djaa les gos d'Abidjan sont dans le auch aussi:)
Eyeee Wayee:)
hmmmm.... is she single? :-)
La situation s'est arrange a Abidjan donc? Moi aussi j'envisage rentrer. Ca va faire 7 bientot que je suis a NY et l'Afrique me manque trop!
yayemarieba.blogspot.com is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading yayemarieba.blogspot.com every day.
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