Not what you would expect from a Muslim mag'right:)

U may know that today started the Ramadan for most Muslims in the world, I'm one so of course I'm celebrating it:) today I was bit rusty lol..but um I discovered this magazine at Barnes & Noble today..I absolutely loved it and had to share , it's not African per say but a lot of African Muslims can relate..I love the fact that it's modern, not strict, not every Muslim woman wears the Hijab (I am not an advocate for or against) but I respect greatly women who do...
To me like my mama always told me the most important is to clean on a regular basis one's heart, of course it's a lifelong job no matter what faith you are from...
Anywhoo loves it, talk fashion, give advices to young Muslim women who may feel a little old in the Western world, give great cooking advices, it speaks to the young Muslim women without attacking or making her feel guilty of this or that....feel me at the end of the day the only One We have to respond to is God no matter what faith you respect...right..
Here's their webbie: (great gift for 1 niece or cousin, or sis)
So Happy Ramadan to all my Muslim peeps, may this be a great time of self -reflection:)
i picked up an issue of this mag a few months ago and thought it was pretty cool! (the fashion spreads especially... they showed how incredibly stylish and modern a girl can look in a hijab!)
haven't seen it anywhere since, though... i need to look out for the new issue.
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