Being that I live in an English speaking country I've kinda lost touch w/part of the
francophone entertainment players such as Gad Elmaleh.
He's a proud Jewish Moroccan man, he speaks french, Arabic, & Hebrew.He left for college to Canada where he received a degree in political sciences before cheating on her w/theater.His first one -man show was called "Decallages"in that piece he makes fun of himself and also of the Maghrebian immigrants journey to Canada, of course that we African people don't mind making fun of ourselves , the show reviews were terrific. He then moved to France and played under director Merzak A.in "Salut Cousin".He tried himself again in another 1man stand up routine called "La Vie Nomade"=same thing people loved it.
I haven't seen this movie "La Verite si je mens"but this movie def' put him in the map w/his role as a a Don Juan...ok :)
Other shows followed such as "L'autre c'est moi"and it's gadamania in France.
He was previously married to a french actress Anne Brochet & they have 1 son .Today he shares the life of a french ballet dancer Aurelie Dupont.
Here's a video clip of his best of:
Here's his fan-webbie:
Djaa Maroccan People keep doin' it:
Eyee Wayee:
Yea he def is funny. I just watched la doublure and a hors prix....he is one of my fav. actors now. Didint even know he was african....
this is my maaaaaaaaaan !!! je suis 100% fan !!!
well je suis tombée sur ton blog par hasard et je dosi dire que j'aime bien. i 'll be back
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