i love how Ajuma just does her job

Oluchi reppin for her hubby's line Luca Luca

each color comes alive on Atong

La grande go doin Oscar de La Renta justice

You know that you can always count on Liya , Atong, Ajuma, Kinee among so many others to come and repp' to the fullest...this time I' also glad 2 see a bit more of Oluchi-of course doing her hubby show "Luca Luca"..oh don't let me forget Marie Fuema from Congo doin her thing African catwoman stylo.....
Djaa my African sistas sont dedans meme :)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
Hi there! I just discovered your blog, it's awesome! I love Souad Massi's music (when I used to teach French, I would use her songs in class! The students loved them!).
I've lived in Africa as a child (Kenya), an experience that put Africa in my heart for ever. Also, by boyfriend is half from Madagascar...
Today on my blog I posted a tribute to Kenya, check it out!
Nice! We want more!!!!!!!!how did u solve that net issue? Bisous...
Hi there! I found your blog by complete serendipity and I just love it! You are doing a great job.
"keep on, keep keepin' on..."
From Toulouse, France
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