u got that right sista

reppin for Africa

Ethiopian Millenium

Afirika...that's wuzz uppp
It's pretty late in Dakar, I can hear the call tothe early morning prayer from the mosk, that's the beautiful thing 2 me of being home the community spirtual side ....but after viewing these tees from the
Bernos collection I had 2 share...
Kudos to this team of young Ethiopian peeps who decided to repp' for our continent, in particular their Ethiopian heritage..the prices are reasonable and they use American Apparel tees...
There's such a positive vibe on their site, mostly on the pics of their products..it's such a beautiful thang 2 see young African peeps joining their hands to go forward w/1 project
The name Bernos means a lot to their culture, they explained that "The heavy wool “bernoose” was standard dress for Arabs who immigrated to North Africa and many in Northwest Africa wear variations of the original design today."
I find it great to see these young peeps trying to educate us or remind themselves of our origins, the tees are funky , cute,bref I would wear them in a heartbeat.
Here's their site, they also blog on it:
Djaaa my Ethiopian peeps are more fiyaaa:)
Eyeeee Wayeeee:)
Very Nice
Thanks for the reveiw
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