La grande go Sheryfa!

Singing her corazon out!!
Peps, funky short hair cut, great voice, dancing abilities...
yep l'Algeriene est arrive!!
Do you guys remenber that show Popstars, my American peeps ..yeah I know it's not much of a reference but whatever the case...in France they have a version of that show except that they focus on unsigned hip hop and R & B singers..the winner for the year of 2007 was a Frenchie /Algerian singer of 18 years old....she's doing her thang w/her first album...quite nice actually ..she reminds me a bit of miss A.Keys in the sense that she seems to be quite sincere in her singing...Homegal is by profession a hairdresser, on this album she worked w/kep players of the Frebch R & B scene such as Singuilla , hip hop movers and shakers such as Youssoupha, Kerry James....
I believe that she's also expecting..so congrats to her:)
Anywhoo there are plenty of webbies abt her , here are some interesting ones:
The Official Site for the french version of Popstars:
A fan's webbie about Sheryfa:
Here are a couple video clips:
Djaa les gos d'Algerie sont dedans meme for the year 2008:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
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