"Aight babe take it home"

The Obama Clan

"I am so proud of u bebe"

1 sweet moment stollen btw the 2...they look like teenagers in love:)

The Obamas sharing lunch durign the campaign

I love how this pic shows black & white united..

"I'll catch u if u fall honey"
So proud 2 see this American candidate of African origins kicking ass mostly at a time where Kenya is going through a rough time...they just won the votes in
South Carolina youpi...!!!
I really like how his wifey Michelle is backing him up, being there at all his speeches, looking at him proud when she feels that he's done great, looking at him w/a worried frown in tough times..
really a postive model I feel..love how she's a bit more vulnerable than other president wifeys ect...It must be an exciting and very unstable time for them as a family, may the Lord give them the strenght to go through this victorious together...
For more info on the Barack Obama's campaign, go here:
Djaaa our Kenyan brothas sont dedans aussi:)
Eyeeeee Wayeee:)
WOOOOOOOHOOOOO! (please note that my "woohoo" is distinct from Howard Dean's "YEAAAAAAAH" which killed his campaign....)
I am very proud of him too:)
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