Gotta have 1 banging body 2 rock this 1

Attention a Joelle

It's nice 2 see a sista of African origins along our Vanilla sisters on the cover of the South African Sports Illustrated , let me mention that sistagal was the only black gal on the cover.
She's from Congo but spent most of her teen years in SA because of the political conflict in Congo at the time..If she looks familiar to some of you it's because u may have seen her in the Ludacris video "Pimpin all over the world" , or in the show "Deal or no Deal" ..on her profile on the Sport Illustrated SA webbie she says that she loves painting, hanging out w/friends , read and chilling w/her sibblings....
Here's the Luda video where u can see her
Djaa my Congolese sistas sont dans le chaud aussi:)
Eyeee Wayee:)
She has a beautiful body!
Wow..Elle est Magnifique.....Une belle sista Du Congo....
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