Emmerson was born 31 years ago in Freetown Sierra Leone, he lost his father at a young age...
Like most Sierra Leonan young peeps after graduation , Emmerson couldn't find a job, he had the opportunity to spend more time among his people...and realize to what extent the People were unhappy w/the current politcal regime, poverty was striking..ect..thus started the musical career of this
courageous young man..he's been credited to bring some sense of patriotism to Sierra Leonan people through his politcaly engaged lyrics,

his strong and fearless message to the government, his messages of hope..kinda like when couper decaler started in Ivory Coast at a time where the people were desperate...it allowed them to forget a bit about their worries..
Emmerson is the "coqueluche" of the ladies, his concerts are sold out wherever he goes.
His latest album is called Tu Fut Arata..
His webbie is :
Here's 1 video for Tutu Party:
Djaaa my Sierra Leonan people sont dedans aussi:)
Eyeeeee Wayeeee:)