Ok we are back to the profile/interview feature of a Fabulafricana woman, today's woman of interest is the agreable and beautiful model to the top designers miss Nana Keita, she's obviously beautiful but I also hope that through this interview that she is a young woman like us with a beautiful and agreable personality, that's my type ofd chicka ;one that does her job well, praise the Lord, work hard and enjoy it fabulously and humbly.

Who is Nana?Nana is another world citizen with big dreams :)
How do you define yourself as a Malian woman?
Where are your fav' places to hang out in Bko?I haven't lived there for quite a long time now, so I'd say my house (rire)
There are so many, from seeing my work at the news stand, to randomly seeing myself on tv for the first time, a chance to meet with legends like Ralph

Who are your fav' african designers? have you modelled for any and which ones would you like to model for in the future?I unfortunately don't know many of them but the late Chris Seydou, Alphadi, Diouma Dieng Diakhate, Pathe O. and Gilles Toure come to mind.I got a chance to walk for Gilles Toure during an event for Africa at the United Nations. It will be an honor to work for any of them, unfortunately it hasn't been possible yet due to schedule and the fact that I don't live near them, but I do hope I can pull it off in a near future.
The late Chris Seydou and Lamine Badian Kouyate for Xuly Bet are the ones that I know of, so they are my favs.I have yet to meet painters from Mali, but ex "ministre de la culture" Mme Aminata Dramane does a great job when it comes to art in general, and my mother is a great painter too although she only does it as a hobby and keeps it private.My favorite malian writers are Amadou Hampathe Ba and Seydou Badian Kouyate.
What does spirituality mean to you?God is a very important part of my everyday life and I try my best to be as close to him as possible by doing things that I'm required to do, but also avoiding things I'm not supposed to do. I make efforts to stay as morally correct as possible.
How did you feel when obama won and how did you celebrate the big day?I was of course happy for him and every other person who fought for this kind of change to happen in the world. It was a very emotinal moment indeed and I hope we get to see a lot more stories like his in the future.
You can see Nana at the Tracy Reese 2009 Show:HERE
Backstage at Patricial Field:HERE
Which african women do you admire and why?My mother comes first as she is the most amazing woman I know (and I'm not just saying that vecause she is my mom!! rires) And every single African queens out there living in villages or in cities with no electricity, and/or with no clean water, food, comfortable home, proper health care, victims of discrimination and any sort of physical or emotional pain, that still stand up strong and are great mothers to their children regardless of what they're going through in their every day lives. Those are my queens and I salute them.
What is ur fav' word in bambara and why?Mash'Allah. It's not really Bambara but it is frequently used in the language. It's a way to preach God and send him your thanks for wha

What motivates u in life to keep going ?God is my ultimate strength, and then my family and friends keep me grounded.-how do u feel about the twenties and the thrities as a youg woman?I believe every age is a celebration an

What's special abt african men?whats the one thing u would like them to improve on?Being African!! (rires) I don't know, that depends on each individual as they're all different in their own ways.Some of them need to stop thinking they are better than the women, or that they "own" their wife..
How do u feel abt polygamy?What? (rires) that word should not be part of our vocabulary. Religious people might lash out about that, but I don't think it's fair for any human being to be forced to share the person you love. Plus in an economic point of view it is one of the reasons why poverty has gained so much pace in Africa.

If I say salif keita..u say"Maninka De Ka Faring" (rires, the ones who speak Bambara will understand)I think he has one of the greatest voices in the world and is a great musician.-life is.......short, make sure you leave a positive mark before yo
Being on top of ur finances means....Not spend frivolously and keep tomorrow in mind.

What's one ONG in ur opinion that does a good job? I know the Rotary does a lot of great stuffs for the ones in need as I was president of Interact (younger version of Rotary) in the past.The great part about it is that none of the money or help comes from outside, the members are 100% required and dedicated to providing any sort of material or physical help they can.
If you could have diner with 3 famous african people who would it be and why?Mandela because, well, need I say why? Don't we all love and cherish this hero?Alphadi or Angelique Kidjo because in addition to their talents they're such eloquent speakers I could listen to them all day
U feel the most beautiful when..... I get unconditional love.

Whats one event that happened in the history of africa thay would stay marked in your mind (besides Obama lol) I was very young then but when Mandela finally achieved his goal and became president of South Africa after so many lost lives and years of pain and torture for him and everyone else who dared ask for their rights in that country. That was a very powerful moment for the whole world in my opinion.
Lovely Interview!!!She is international indeed!!I LOVE your blog...I am kinda a blogspot newbie!!
I luuv her skin
"I want to be one of the best at what I do while staying true to myself and to my culture" That's what's up. Elle a la tête sur les épaules :)
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