Aight guys so Eric is passionate abt Africa just like we are. He found out that his ancestors are from Sierra Leone and when he went to visit he was shocked by the level of poverty and wanted to do something. His story to me is a story of faith and love towards our people, his people us , we all come from the same place and geography is never going to change that!!
Could you introduce yourself ?
I am 41 years old. I am a internet entrepreneur, I run two websites :kindredgear.com and myafricandiaspora.com. My other job is aspiring screenwriter.
What made you want to search for your ancestors?
I saw television program about Oprah and other black people getting DNA tests to determine their african ancestry. I was excited to know that I could find out where I really came from.
Having visited Sierra Leone , do you know feel connected to your ancestors land?
Yes, I felt as soon as I stepped off the plane. People opened their homes to me and treated me like family. It felt like I was sitting around my family's dinner table just laughing and talking in the U.S. People said welcome home so much, I couldn't help but feel connected.
What would it mean to you being able to sell a million shirt?
It would mean that I have accomplished a business goal but more importantly that I have the resources to help rebuild my ancestral home. Providing clean water is just the first step.
What was your best memory of ur visit to sierra leone?
There are so many but I would have to say that traveling upline and visiting the village of Port Loko stands out the most. The welcome ceremony they performed, the beauty of the country and spirit of the people, who without all the modern trappings of society, seem so happy.
Why is this your purpose in life basically tell us whatever is on your mind concerning this cause ?
It would have been easy to visit, see the plight of the people, say "oh, that's too bad", come home and get on with my life, but knowing where I come from means that I have a responsibility to do something. I also believe having clean drinking water is a right - something all people should have. If you're sick from the water, how can you go to school, how can you grow up and contribute to your community?
Are u being helped by other organisations african or american?
My partner and I met a Sierra Leonean woman - Zainab Beckett, now living in America (actually discovering she lives about 10 minutes away from me), that we instantly connected with. She is the founder of ZCD Foundation (www.zcdfoundation.org). She was our guide and host on our trip home. She has also partnered with another African American who discovered his Sierra Leonean lineage - NBA star Amare Stoudemire. The primary mission is to provide clean water, but as funding becomes available, we will expand to areas of healthcare and agriculture.
If you would like to support Eric's efforts to sell a million shirts for Sierra Leonan children please go to his webbie:
Djaa my African American Brothas rep' for Africa:)
Eyee Wayee:)
Wow, cool designs and even better story. Why wasn't this story on the news? It's good to see African americans finding their roots. I bet there are more out there that we don't know about. Nice post!
I'm glad to see African American's embracing their African Heritage. I think this is a great cause. Great designs, I'm going to buy my t-shirt right now.
I hope this t-shirt campaign goes well. He seems very passionate about the needs of Sierra Leone.
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