Some of you may not have children but probably have a nephew or a niece that you care about, leaving in Senegal I am sometimes so upset when I see the way some parents are careless with their children
How many times have I seen little children running down busy streets with no parents around,how many times have I seen little children dirty .. listen we've all as children had runny nose but when you can tell these kids hadn't been cleaned or bathed in a long time now that's another story
Yes we all know poverty is no one's fault but we can take responsability a bit and show these kids that we care!
I'm not a parent yet but I wondered about the little things we can do to protect kids , so here are a few tips:
- don't allow kids under 3 years old to play with balloons they can cause chocking
- be really careful with the living room space , take away all the heavy stuff
- Teach kids to walk instead of running in the streets, of course it's easier said than done but you can do it
- make sure your floor is clean and there aren' t any coins ,buttons ect.. they are very curious....this reminds me of a my niece who almost swallowed an earing if I hadn't paid attention so please pay attention
- Keep chairs away from windows , these little monsters are so quick
- Of course use safety barriers in the house
- Always keep bottles closed , never leave them open , children are fast and may want to swallow it
- it's good to install smoke alarms in your homes, keep matches , candles away from kids
- always but always check the temperature of water before giving a bath to your child
- keep hot food and liquid away from children's hands
- Always keep an eye on your child near water an accident can happen so easily
I found these great tips on this webbie: http://www.safekids.org
Djaa we have to keep our children safe:)
Eyee Wayee:)
1 comment:
Living in America with Kids is not easy either, since the law is very strict regarding child abuse, you also have to be extra very careful. I know that I am watching my kid all the time, never trust them, they are so fast, and an accident happens so quickly. One side of the American system that I liked regarding child protection is the fact that for example: at every Dr's appointment they will make sure that your kid have not been abused sexually by checking their private parts, physically by looking for any marks on their bodies or even mentally by asking them questions to see how well and fast they can answer. Last Word: Children are gifts from God and I really think that some people don't deserve to have them. Your kids are your responsability at all times so if you can't take care of them, simply don't have them. Just my opinion.
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