When I read the story of Saint Moses the Black who lived during the 4th century I knew I wanted to share it with some of y'all who just like me had never heard of him before.
He lived in Ethiopia (some say he's from Egyptian descent and some argue that he's full Ethiopian)
and engaged in all types of nefaste activities;killing, lying, stealing. He's said to be very strong and intimidating.
Hiding from people he found himself among monks at a monastere where inspired by their internal and external hapiness and discipline he converted and became one of them
One of them in particular the Abbot of the Monastry St Isidore took care of his spiritual education.
Of course the Devil tempted him as he does with all of us everyday by giving him serious pain in his feet, it was so bad that he was bed ridden
For a man who was known for his impatiente it was a great test, St Moses the Black learned more abt patiente and meditation and little by little found his strength
He's remenbered in history because of his tolerance and his vision of non violence.
For example,when the other monks wanted to place judgement on one of theirs he used the analogy of Black of an opened bag of sand , when asked why was he carrying it he explained that he was in no position of judging someone when he was a sinner .."This sand is my sins which are trailing out behind me, while I go to judge the sins of another."
Another time when the monks were fasting, St Moses the Black cooked for visitors when it was reported he explained that he did for God these were people visiting so he had to feed them.
He died as a martyr in his church with six other members when they refused to escape when his monastry was attacked.He was 75 he is today burried in the main church of Al Baramus monastry.
Great link that helped me with this piece:
Djaa we Africans need to learn more abt our ancestors:)
Eyeee Wayee:)
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