William was discovered by the public while playing the first parts of French singer Christopher Mae tour....
He is currently nominated for the NRJ Awards in the category music revelation of the year
William musical adventure like countless of accomplished musicians is the result of great musical encounters; before founding his current band he played with 2 other bands called the 24 Jam and Yuba.
He was born in Guinea in a family of intellectuals his mother was a lawyer and a friend of Myriam Makeba who found refuge in Guinea during her exile...
He moved to France to study law but found himself following lady music singing on the trains,boats ect...
He defines himself as a rocker at heart loving the Tina Turner,Elvis Costello,Habib Faye,Oum Khaltoum...ect
His official website is:
Discover him through these videos:
Djaa mes freres de Guinee sont dedans aussi!
Eyeee Wayeee!!!
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