Sweet et coquine

This one for whatever reason represents her best in my opinion

You know that kind of artist that have you asking yourself ..do I get it?do I really get the different layers there could be to a song..wait a minute is she an MC or a Jazz Musician why is she freestyling ect..the answer is that Zika is just living her truth with no barriers..
She's a native from Canada born to a Caucasian Scotish mother and a black South African father..education and a sense of belonging to a community were big during her childhood
Media struggle to classify her music ..maybe they wouldnt if they looked into the title of her first album
Eclectica: Episodes in Purple ...
she's toured along Artist's Artists..Tumi & The Volume,The Roots,Erikah Badhu ect...
Researching abt her I find out how giving she is in allowing people to travel through her mind..through her trips throughout the world she gets her inspiration..she enjoys doing collabos and gets some of her energy from mixing up with local artists
She's a true Canadian at heart before anything else ...she's able to talk about so many different social umbrellas because she's experienced a lot of different things..poverty and a sense of financial stability aren't new to her she's experienced both..living btw SA and Canada have def opened her mind...
Being scrunitized as a person of mixed heritage isn't new to her as well..today at 27 years old she is just living it..just like her writing process..letting the words and the melody come to her the first before the 2nd or the 2nd before the first..it doesn' t matter if it takes a day or a few months to come up with something...
Free spirit ..just Zaki Ibrahim!!!
Great portrait of the chicka
Official Webbie
Check her webbie for those of living in South Africa she'll be performing during the holidays...
Djaa my Fabulafricanas ladies from SA sont dedans
Eyeee Wayeee!!
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