Candles are more...
She has good taste hein...
Love the tones she chose
Coussins coussins
Vases and more vases
Great selection of things
Love everything on this pic
Bamakois depechez vous waye Jaspe Design puissanci
I am so happy to write about the birth of Jaspe Design Atelier..even if the gorgeous owner wasn't one of my favorite people on earth I still would have...because it's a pride to be see an African sister doing great things..
In Bamako this is is the first boutique of its kind...yes there are deco stores in that part of the world but none as cool and elegant as Jaspe Design..Mouna handpicked out personally each one of the beautiful pieces sold at her store..she wanted to be able to sell the most delicious deco pieces that were out there from tableware to candles you name it...
I remenber visiting the store when it was bare and her explaining where everything would go and I am so impressed at how the project evolved...
Mouna has been working in the interior design sector for a while now helping private Malian clients decorate their havre de paix..she's absolutely passionate about this ..I smile remenbering us gushing over the beautiful interior design books that she collects...
I am overjoyed like this was my personal victory and this goes to show that if we work hard enough,believe in possibilities we can get there
If you ever are in Bamako please stop by...
Here's her email address if you have any questions
Mouna puissancii!
Mali Mali lol
Mali Mali lol
1 comment:
she has great taste!!!
I would love to shop there! my parents are relocating to Mali so inch'allah if i go there, i'll stop by the store..
out of curiosity, why isn't she your favorite people? lol
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