Litterature is great food to the young mind..Neema read as a teen all about the fulfilling lives of the Ghandi's of this world under the positive influence of her parents whom she credits to being her role models...Very early on she understood the importance of education paired to service...
pic courtesy of flickr
Neema chose health and holds a bachelor's in health informatics and a master's in international health among other degrees..
She founded over her young live 5 non profit organizations,the most prominent is ARYI-African Regional Youth Iniative.this huge networking bulle ..I love the story of how ARYI came abt...
As a student in Tanzania she had founded an organization that catered to children infected by HIV...she found out later of other organizations throughout Tanzania that focused on the same issues and wondered how come she wasnt aware of that information earlier..thus ARYI which regroups over 500 non profit organizations throughout AFRICA...
Neema's activist deeds didn't stop there..she also founded with a friend The International Council for Global Iniatives..

Concretely her efforts saw the birth of a secondary school and health center in a village of Tanzania helped by Pop Tech ...
Today she still challenges herself to do more and more....A role model this Neema...
Pic courtesy of diverstywomen.org
Here's the ARYI site:
They actually offer internship and volunteer opportunities if interested....
Here's a great site for women who are passionate abt their lives:
Djaa my sisters from Tanzania sont dedans
Eyeee Wayeee!!
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