is 2 me the type of women who has that "je ne sais koi" okay sure she has a lovely harmonious face, beautiful complexion ect..but she just has that little extra som'2 her..

She's well known and loved in SA , and has fans as myself troughout the world, she sings in Xosa, it's really important for her to live , sing , breathe her culture that she teaches to her 2 children each day.
Her music has 1 message of peace, of going out there as proud African people and working to get our continent to the next level..she was born in a rural area of SA, where music was part of the everyday scene w/weddings and other ceremonies..

She worked for 1 while in the IT industry before 1 day realizing that no she was born to sing and that she does very welll...
I also love her sense of fashion, it's free, colorful, and unique like her sound ...she's very proud of her personal identity & encourages all of us 2 cultivate that personal part of us...
Here's her official webbie:
Her interesting video for Ndiredi:
Here she is performing live:
Djaa our South African sistas sont dedans as well:)
Eyeee Wayee:)
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