Joey was born in England in 1982 to 1 British mother & 1 Ghanaian Father, actullay his dad is the famous desinger Kofi Ansah..so growing up he found a liking for Martial Arts that he practiced for over 10 years , this guy has done everything from Capoeira to high diving, to Ninjutsu (he's the youngest person in the UK 2 get his black belt), acrobatics...all these skills came in handy in the showbiz in the industry where he's done his own stunts ect..
He may look familiar to u if you've seen the flick "Bourne Ultimatum"yeahh he was the fine vilain, he's also played the part of a terrorist in Spooks and
the Emperor Geta in Timewatch..

I'm sure we'll see more from this brotha in the near future..
Djaa my Ghanaian brothas sont dedans aussi:)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
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