That stage called Menopause

We all have 2 go through it:(

The usual symptoms are:
-hot flashes
-vaginal dryness
-emotional imbalance
-low sex drive (sorry hubbies , boyfriends ect)
-hair loss
-weight problem
-night sweats
-state of being forgetful
-bladder problems that may cause leaking
**Attention did you know that you could go through menopause before the age of 40 and that all these symptoms I just talked about are 1 bit more severe in those cases..Oh Lord.Also those of you who may have 1 surgery to remove the ovaries, may be at risk as welll (good 2 know non)We also have 2 be aware of premature menopause because one could develop osteoporosis , a condtion that weaken our bones...(Lord have mercy.)
The prevention and treatment question?
There 's a controversy about hormonal treatment ,it could risk heart disease among other things
- Of course see 1 doctor first
-Try 2 stay active by working out
-Eat healthy
-Try to allocate some "me time " during your day
-Use vaginal lubricant for your vaginal dryness
-try to stay in cool places, wear layers..ect...
Good article.
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Those are all great books on menopause - but don't stop there!!! Keep reading online, there's so much more information on menopause and ways to slow the un-avoidable!!
I really like the menopause issues covered on the WomenToWomen.com website. You can find information on lots of women's health issues and for menopause there. - Don't forget to just do a search on the word "menopause" or "books on menopause" to see the same suggestions mentioned here.
All of us women need to stick together to keep the flow of information on this "taboo" topic of menopause going!!
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