So yesterday I had the chance to see Mr Habib Koite and his band the Bamada Group in concert here in Dakar, and it was awesome..the crowd was mixed, not too many African people as I expected, we don't take the time to discover our African talents, mainly the Acoustic type..anywhoo Habib is the type of artist that is able to convey a deeep, you know one of those that reminds you
"that you are an African to the core, that reminds you of our profound traditions", just hearing him play his guitar, I was taken to a very farrrrr place, I was moved and reminded that ouhhh Afrika is too deep..you feel me?:)
Anywhoo Habib was born in a family of griots, he comes from 1 huge family he has 17 other siblings. He never received proper musical training , but being around his mother who sang at weddings, baptism ceremonies ect, his grandfather who would played te Kameli N'Goni there was not way that he was going to escape from his musical destiny.
Habib plays a Malian unique musical style that he calls the "danssa doso" it's basically a mix of all Malian rythm , his way of saying whethere you are from Kayes, Bamako, Sikasso we are all the same people, so join me and dance...a
t the concert there was a lovely African couple dressed in bazin dancing together the whole night ...just too cute..

Going back to Habib, there's a zest of Jazz, of Arabic melodies and of Latino beat...
He's really proud of his latest cd "Afiriki" that was well received on the world music charts, he let us hear it a bit..and gotta say lovely.
Here are a few tour upcoming dates :
Habib Koité & Bamada23-05-2008 Africa FestivalWürzburg Germany
Habib Koité & Bamada04-05-2008 Le NationalMontréal Canada
Habib Koité & Bamada03-05-2008 Somerville TheaterBoston, MA USA
Habib Koité & Bamada27-04-2008 Houston - TX USA
Habib Koité & Bamada25-03-2008 Festival International de LouisianeLafayette LA USA
Habib Koité & Bamada20-03-2008 Centre Culturel FrançaisLomé Togo
Habib Koité & Bamada18-03-2008 Centre Culturel FrançaisAccra Ghana
Habib Koité & Bamada15-03-2008 Alliance FrançaiseBanjul Gambia
Habib Koité & Bamada13-03-2008 Alliance FrançaiseZiguinchor Senegal
Habib Koité & Bamada11-03-2008 Alliance FrançaiseKaolack Senegal
Habib Koité & Bamada04-05-2008 Le NationalMontréal Canada
Habib Koité & Bamada03-05-2008 Somerville TheaterBoston, MA USA
Habib Koité & Bamada27-04-2008 Houston - TX USA
Habib Koité & Bamada25-03-2008 Festival International de LouisianeLafayette LA USA
Habib Koité & Bamada20-03-2008 Centre Culturel FrançaisLomé Togo
Habib Koité & Bamada18-03-2008 Centre Culturel FrançaisAccra Ghana
Habib Koité & Bamada15-03-2008 Alliance FrançaiseBanjul Gambia
Habib Koité & Bamada13-03-2008 Alliance FrançaiseZiguinchor Senegal
Habib Koité & Bamada11-03-2008 Alliance FrançaiseKaolack Senegal
Anywhoo I co
uld go on and on about this great artist, but I'll let you discover him yourself, here's his site:

Here's 1 great video clip as welll:
Djaa my people from Mali sont dedans aussi:)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
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