Yep a while ago I started this little thing on the blog, where I intoduce my fav'blogs on line...well this 1 I def' in love with.
Why?It's kinda like the perfect museum for nappy people, or people who are considering going au naturel (yeahhhh if you are lol) I went natural in 2000 , 1 of my cousins (Myriam) was telling me everytime you get a perm , your hair doesn't react well to it so why not stay away from it...
Well here I am 7 years later still a nappy chick, couple of times over the years,
I tried a texturizer ..but hated what I did to my hair so I decided to stay nappy and I truthfully love it..at this point of my life I cannot see me going chemical again...you know! I may change my mind because hey India Arie said "I am not my hair" lol..but I lovessss it..I love the naps, I love the wildness of it, I love it....I remenber going to the concert of Goapele 1 year ago and the crowd was for the most part natural..and I was so proud..because it's not easy taking care of it but....

Anyways going back to the blog "Our Hair" I love it, great pics, great advices on how to take care of your hair, testimonies of women who went natural...def' a blogstar..and whoever did it bravooooooooooo..loves it:)

Here's the webbie:
Djaa we need to take care of our hair:)

Thank you very much for the dédicace!
I'm waiting for beautiful pics of you cause i know u are!
thank you for supporting my blog and more...
Thank you for your cleverness,we need people like you!
Thnak you for your blog
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