Waouh the price of freedom is still very expensive in some partS of the world.
Mohammed Abbou is a lawyer and a human rights activist that was sentenced in a very controversial case to 3 years in jail for exposing
extremely violent tortures practices in Tunisian jails.
This case received great international coverage even though at the time it didn't help much, but my personal opinion when things like this happen its because it will bring greater changes,take for example the suffering of Nelson Mandela even though he went through hell what he brought to humanity cannot even be compared to it.
Going back to Abou, the government offered to release him several times in jails if he accepted to write a letter of apology but he refused because he wasn't guity of anything.
His wife ,Samia's courage and devotion to her hubby is also remarkable , she got beatten by people when she protested for the freedom of her hubby, but regardless she was otuspoken and fought very hard for the release of her husband.
During his sentence, Abbou was constantly beaten, harassed by police officers as well as other prisoners.
Abbou condemned and denounced corruption that exists within the leadership of President Zine El Abdine Ben Ali.
Thankfully he was released last month and this is what he had 2 say concerning his release:
"My release is the result of actions of resistance to oppression undertaken by Tunisians capable of saying no to a regime in violation of basic human rights. The Tunisian Constitution and international human rights law guarantee the right to criticise the government, as long as there are human rights abuses and corruption. The lack of freedom led some young people to use violence which I strongly denounce."
This should def' be an example for us fellow African people, we should not just accept corruption in our government...what's the solution? I have no idea...but people like Abbou are to be respected.
Here's also a video of Samia Abbou, at the time fihgting for her husband's freedom:
Here's an interesting article about him:
Mohamed Abbou, I respect your perseverance to stand up for your people:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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