.........pics by Amanda Koster*

I was watching a segment on CNN (ok I'm not pretending that I watch it all the time but...) called "Everyday Hero" I believe and they featured this beautiful woman from Lesotho ,Nthabeleng Lephoto,who makes it her mission in life to bring joy and a smiley on the faces of Lesothos Aids affected children...affected 1 way or another, either orphans of Aids female victims or children living day 2 day with this ugly virus.
It was a sight to see her in the beautiful mountains of Lesotho climbing away to go check on those children, bringing food or a hug to these children...
She's the head administator of the 2 year old non profit organisation which was started by a former Notre Dame University student who travelled to Lesotho as a Peace Corp volunteer.
He was touchef by these orphans and the effect of Aids on the population and decided to do somethig, and that little something became somethig bigger and bigger..
The " Touching Tiny Lives"org. aims to give shelter, food and education to these children.
But 1 of their goals struck a chord :"make low cost MTCT prevention drugs available at birth to at-risk mothers and their infants "....
that I thought was a great goal....
Anyways if you wanna know more about this org:
Djaa it's our duty to keep trying to help each other :)
Eyee Wayee:)
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