Just like a breath of fresh air...loves the it:)
I was already familiar w/M'Passi musical talents through her collaboration w/Bisso Na Bisso (by the way if you've never listened to them before...u def' should..it was a group of various Congolese rap /slam/R& B artists mixing African beats and panafricanist lyrics...deep and smart lyrics def' a classic) ..
Anywhoo going back to M'Passi she's a great vocalist w/a sweet and soothing voice & was also part of another group called Melgroove.....
Now Chebli I wasn't familiar w/..but I fell in love w/ his beautiful and emotion-filled voice...
He's from the Commores Islands and lived part of his youth and most of his adult life in France. He was the son a musician from whom he inhereted his love for musical notes; his Muslim upbringing was also a key in his career. From a young age he learned to sing
Allah's praises in Arabic and anybody that's familiar w/that skill,can tell you that it def' requires talent (by the way call me ignorant but I didn't know that Islam was prominent in that part of Africa...mm you learn new things everyday)....
Anywhoo the mix of these 2 sensitive minds gave birth to a beautiful album called JUA, sang in Swahilli for the most part....lovessss it so soothing and soulful....
Anywhoo the mix of these 2 sensitive minds gave birth to a beautiful album called JUA, sang in Swahilli for the most part....lovessss it so soothing and soulful....
For those of you who have itunes, u can download one song for 99cents...or just buy the album on amazon...but you won't regret if you are looking for authentic music....
I wish I could add a video from the 2 but I couldn't , but you can see M'Passi her w/Bisoo Na Bisso , enjoy:
Djaa the mix Les Iles Commores/Congo est chaud dee:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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