For those of you native of African french speaking countries..u know she's it!!

Y'a pas son 2, Isabelle has this mysterious magnetism about her that rubs on all the characters she's played over the years.
Her daddy was Algerian and her mumsey German, she also has 1 younger brother who's a photographer.
She's played in too many movies for me to list them all...the latest in which she played was "Ibrahim and les fleurs du Coran " in 2003 . Isabelle is known for appearing and disappearing from the public eye....her interviews and tv appearances are rare..bref she's a very private person.
She was married Daniel Day Lewis didn't work out, was engaged 2 1 very popular french musician Jean Michel Jarre..didn't work out.

At this point of her life, at 52 she devotes her time to raising her 2 sons..
It's undeniable that part of the appeal to Isabelle period! Isabelle was voted the most beautiful woman in the world in 2004 by the French population..
But it's also undeniable that she's 1 of the best all time French actress; she's the only one in French history 2 have received the equivalent to the Oscars here -4 Cesras..not bad hun.
She's also been nominated for 2 oscard during her career.
If you are curious about her and would like to see some of her work, you should try
"L'ete Meurtrier", "La Reine Margot", "Les Soeurs Bronte", "L'ecole des Femmes"...ect
Here's her official webbie (which needs 2 be dusted 1 bit..qd meme c'est Isabelle A.)http://www.isabelleadjani.net/
You can see her, here:
I love Isabelle Adjani.She is so classy and beautiful!
Pour tout connaître de la belle Isabelle, de son actualité comme de ses nombreuses gloires passées (et à venir):
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