Nelisiwe doesn't seem to ever stop, she's always in between projects from E
urope, the states , to Africa, this girl's passport must be full, mais c'est tres bien, it's a good thing...Matter of fact, in one of the pieces I read about her she says that she doesn't know how people who don't work in the Arts live without it..you can tell that she's really passionate about it.

I personally admire people who just get up go do 1 thing that's challenging ,an
d another, and another..for a few minutes 2 relax , jump back..2 later on in life leave 1 memorable legacy..

One of the projects she presented and that caught rare reviews is called "Plastization" ..Nelisiwe tries to reflect in this piece how our world
is so much more about things and $$ than real & priceless values..

See people there's more to dancers than movements we don't necessarily understand, let's try to open our minds and embrace these people's work because trust they put their bodies through a whooooole lot..
Here's 1 little piece about her:(after 2 secs of commercial)

Djaa my South African sistas are doin' it:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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