The Elders..waouh being in company of such

" REAL" as we younger generation like to say must
be ahhh..... life changing...
It started so simply from the conversation btw the singer Peter Gabriel and Virgins Mogul Richard Branson in the late nineties about starting a group of social act
ivists/political figures from every corner of the world to discuss world problems and give alternatives to this world...

They shared that idea w/Nelson Mandela and his wife Graca Machel who loved it shared it w/Desmon Tutu and I guess called on their famous but mostly pro peace social activists/political figures friends.and was born "The Elders"
The Elders mission statement is...:
-Offering a catalyst for the peaceful resolution of conflict
-Seeking new approaches to seemingly intractable global issues
-Sharing wisdom :reaching out to grassroot elders and to the next generation of leaders.
-Listening and helping to amplify voices for good.
The group is made up of:
-Desmond Tutu -Koffi Anan
-Grace Machel -Jimmy Carter
-Nelson Mandela -Gro Bruntland
-Ella Bhatt -Fernando Cardonso
-Ang Sun Kyi -Muhamed Yunus
-Ly Zhaoxing -Lakhdar Brahimi
I think I've got them all, my personal opinion is this:
1 great iniative, because they are all respected and hail from different parts of the world,thus the message can only get stronger.
I am not naive
to think that this would solve every problem, but I think that just like the UN, they could serve as a "stop sign"..

It's so sad to know that all the world problems happen because of individual then collective misunderstanding ...ect...waouh
Their first mission took place in Darfur Sudan where they met with Government officials to discuss and try to find solutions..
Anyways here's the official webbie:
The speech about "the Elders " by Nelson Mandela:
Proud 2 write this post!!
1 comment:
U know I am a big fan of development. That's my job, my life, my dream. I am working on getting my own NGO and organizations like this always make me smile. They give me hope, hope that somewhere, someone still cares. Hope for change, hope for a better world, a better future.
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