** We will never forget!

Tropiques Amers

Fatou Ndiaye in the role of Adele

Check the emotion in her face, he may give her all these beautiful things but she's not happy

Our people Suffered hun...!

"You'll never know where you are going in life, until you know where you come from"such a true statement that would also remain pertinent.
Jean Claude Barny, a movie director from the french West Indies directed a saga about slavery that took place in Martinique.
Jean Claude Barny, a movie director from the french West Indies directed a saga about slavery that took place in Martinique.
In this glimpse of history, we meet a french aristrocat family who moved from France to the Islands in hope of fortune , the daughter of the head of the family is getting married to 1 major owner of slaves in the town.
She is cruel and superficial and make our people suffer on the regular, mostly because her husband has a crush on one of the female slave Adele played by the beautiful and talented Fatou Ndiaye (I've already blogged about her, look under actors or movies).The story will go on to recount the suffering of the slaves on the plantation as well as the cruelty of their masters.
It's def' a first in France where black actors are not given chances to show their talent on national tv and also mostly because this year marks the anniversary of the abolishment of slavery.
Anyways, here's the official site:
Djaa we will never forget what our ancestors went through and it is our duty to see far and go far:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
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