Waouh I made it ...1 year....waouh I'll say it again...this has been 1 of the toughest, most rewarding , amazing, "so -worth- it "thing I've done in my life....it's so rewarding..I mean I've learned so much ..I go at the same speed as you guys...!!!
Most of the people I've talked about I didn't know much about..I make it a point to do as much research as I can ...in btw 2 jobs, a social life, life itself sometimes it can be quite challenging....but I am happy very happyyyy actually w/a bit over 400 posts...
Most of the people I've talked about I didn't know much about..I make it a point to do as much research as I can ...in btw 2 jobs, a social life, life itself sometimes it can be quite challenging....but I am happy very happyyyy actually w/a bit over 400 posts...
Liya K. from Ethiopia

through this blog I found 1 of my calling ...,a great Passion :learning about my continent and sharing that info "my way" .
Beautiful Erithrea
My family tells me that i need 2 stop using" my slang and african terms"that some peeps may not be used to...but I say no because if people wanted to read things on a more serious tone they could turn to CNN or Times or any other African blogs that use a more
conventional approach..I love the way I writte things because that's kinda how I would like it presented if I was a reader...fun & serious at the mismo..but ok big sis Abby I'll try to tame it down maybe ..lol
Miss Atong

No..... but I loved blogging about Chinguetta in Mauritania and Asmara and Djenne(on my things to see ), I loved the hotels in South Africa the fashion, i loved finding out that my North African sistas were really into arts, I didn't know much about Congo besides dombolo and Koffi and X tra....I 've learned about the mistreatment of women and the
efforts that people put towards ending it, I've learned about the king and queen of Swaziland...I mean so much..1 of my fav'post is the 1 I did about Omar from lybia ..being a young modern Muslim woman I am always touched by the great faith that people can show in times of crisis, my naja people also rock(weddings )..I am amazed by their intelligence...they are so ressourcefull ...

Chinguetta Mauritania that I want 2 visit someday

The litterature aspect of Africa is also quite interesting because each part of Africa speaks its own truth...globally there are so many cultural events..but they are so scattered ..there are no massive ways of communication btw countries I feel..!!!
Augustin K.I.Coast looveee his work

More African businesses also need to hurry up and get themselves updated w/webbies...personally I tend to not look seriously at businesses without a webbie to me it's a lack of seriousness...so picture how other parties may look at it...!!
The beautiful Saran my first interview
I loved discovering the world of architecture, of interior design ..wish there more info on that subject...
What about the pretty chicks and the men on the runawy..doin their thang hun:)

I still have a whole lot of work to do w/this webbie and
I promise to stay committed to it...and bring you guys more info..I also would like to thank the people who encourage me all the time my fam' , friends who are not so into my bloggie but who support cos they know it's my passion.......
Aissa Maiga
I promise to stay committed to it...and bring you guys more info..I also would like to thank the people who encourage me all the time my fam' , friends who are not so into my bloggie but who support cos they know it's my passion.......

anonymous * got the message I will def' take everything you said in consideration and will post about them, people who left me messgs on my guestbook,
beauty in baltimore for getting other peeps to check me out, Propangandarts, Fa, Sophie,Morgaliou, Groovylady, Ladybrille, miss Fafa and fam'**, C.&Razor.... and all the other bloggers that I may not know but who gave me a shout oout ....)
beauty in baltimore for getting other peeps to check me out, Propangandarts, Fa, Sophie,Morgaliou, Groovylady, Ladybrille, miss Fafa and fam'**, C.&Razor.... and all the other bloggers that I may not know but who gave me a shout oout ....)

To another year w/way more info to share...I promise to keep it relevant and funky :)
PS: Lol I dind't know you guys would wanna know about me...so Beauty i'll do the questions anonymous- miss Fafa want 2 interview me lol ...so I'll post it this weekend...so u can get to know the nerd that I am...
Excited..Nervous...Willing to keep it authentic :)
Eyeeeee Wayeee:)
anonymous again: bon anniversaire et bonne continuation! God bless.
Congrats ! I like what you're doing !! I had never posted any comment before but I feel the need to tell you that we need more people like yourself, who take the time and passion to promote our Beautiful continent !! J'aime surtout tes posts sur le design interieur africain, les hotels etc, sur les ecrivains, et sur toutesces femmes incroyables qui militent en faveur du developpement de leur consoeurs et de leur continent, u're one of them !! (by the way Jessi M'bengue is from my home country, Ivory Coast)
Congrats my dear. You know I love this blog so much. It is a ray of sunshine on Africa.
COngratulations sista!
You know I had to leave something. I am so proud of you and your wonderful, innovative blog. I definitely look up to you, and I always talk about your blog everytime I have an occasion! It is such a breath of fresh air. Honestly it gives me more hope than I already have for my continent. I love the idea of the interviews of my wonderful african peers.
Anywhoo(i got that from u lol)thanks for showing and representing our beautiful continent in a hopeful, brighter light. We can make it Inchallah!
Gros bisous et puis bonne continuation ma chere!
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