If you have the legs girl, better kick'em

Is that right:)

Cool & Sophisticated

Like this bohemian look meets sexy pumps
We keep on coming..and comin'...lol (I'm in a silly mood)
Def' African ..what part not sure (either gabon or senegal i think ), please let a sista know if anybody knows.
She's appeared on ads for Macy's .... based in Canada and travels around the world ...
we'll be watching Jessiee
Djaa 2 African sistas in Canada are doin' it too hun:)
Eyee Wayee:)
Jessi m'bengue: un prénom à ne pas oublier; amie d'enfance, cette jolie fille est métissée algérie et cote d'ivoire et basée sur NYC... voila, je n'en dirai pas plus!
I love her fro I can't wait until I'm natural again. I tagged you.
hi Yaye Marie! First let me thank you again for your blog and for your contribution to the continent. I'm a faithful reader/viewer of your blog and i can tell that I've learned quite a few things from it, so keep up the good work! I have 1 suggestion for you if you may: i know that might be hard for u to do but why don't u do more interviews on 'real life' young women who are done with school or still in shcool and working now everywhere in the world...i think that would create a strong network and develop ideas on initiatives to alleviate poverty in our contries. Also why don't you do a special featuring on you! I knwo you've said a lot on your blog and your lovely personality comes across but it might be...interesting! And the second thing i wanted to say is that I came across a Malian/Gabonese artist: Aida Toure, that you can promote on your page.
I don't want to come across as rude but I would rather not say who I am, though I don't you personally, or say much abt myself, just a preference, I hope you don't take it personally. Take care and peace and blessings!
jessika je viens de te retrouver j'hallucine! c'est audrey...souviens toi du lycée Lumière à Lyon...j'adorerais avoir de tes nouvelles...tu es magnifique!!!audreymicolas@yahoo.fr
Je te cherche depuis des mois ! Sur facebook, sur copains d'avant..
et tu es de l'autre côté de l'atlantique...
C'est moi Marlène : tu te souviens les nuits à discuter dans ta chambre où les après-midi à chanter dans les parcs à lyon. où es tu ? que fais tu ? raconte moi tout, je pense à toi souvent.
Je t'embrasse très fort
I LOVE HER she is da bomb!!! look for her on many more things!!!
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