I find this man's story quite interesting... yes indeed...born in a Family of Algerian Imams in Saudi, being raised in the Ilamic faith, evolving to being a mufti in Marseilles (allez les bleu..lol) to today being a hopeful candidate to the French Presidency..chapeau!!
I also found quite interesting his non-religious views on leading the country....
Okay !! OK...in some ways it makes sense .... when you are President you do lead people of all backgrounds...
For example when the question of the "wear of 2 veil in school" was raised, he declared himself against , he felt that the wear of the veil answers for the most part to traditions rather to religious duty...
I like the fact that he stresses education as key to women emancipation...
Of course he's an independent candidate (not backed by the gov' pawns) he strucks a chord w/some people in france both in the + or in -..but at least he's trying and getting people to talk......
If you want more info about him , here's his official webbie:
Djaa les Algeriens sont fierce hun:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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