I am adding to this post a variety of images of different African leaders working in # industries because I want to show that education doesn't prevent you from following your pasion, you can go to school ....get a great education and become whatever your heart desires, a painter, a lawyer, a singer, a journalist, an activist, a politician...but without education your mind will not be broad enough for you to grasp all of those concepts...my people!

You can become an activist like Rabiatou D.& help your people stand up for their rights

You can become a lawyer like Hauwa and help women in the word whose rights are not being respected

You can become a writter like Fatou D.

You can become a star athelte as Didier Drogba

You can become a world leader like Abdou Diouf
What a wonderful and avant-gardiste concept..
molding the African Leaders of tomorrow!
molding the African Leaders of tomorrow!
We will need them because We have to our get our continent to the level that it deserves , and we can do it!!
Just so that you know the African Academy is a boarding school program of 2 years for students aging from 15-18 years old who will be drawn from all over the African continent.
It hasn't been in effect, it supposed to open in 2008... I think it's a great idea .
During those 2 years, the sudents will study the regular, litterature, maths, history, geography...all that stuff but they will also take classes about leadership, meeting w/ African leaders, workshops, having mentors...
During those 2 years, the sudents will study the regular, litterature, maths, history, geography...all that stuff but they will also take classes about leadership, meeting w/ African leaders, workshops, having mentors...
They will also learn about entrepeunership, studying business cases, presenting business plans, they will also learn about Africa at its core, knowledge of African history, geography,litterature...
This sounds like just a wonderful , "once in a lifetime " program to get into...of course the competitition will be fierce, but it will solely be based on merit.
Pass the Word, who knows you may have a younger brother, cousin (e), sister, child...u know..!
Djaa We as African Youth Have a Duty toward our Continent..to Lead It:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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