Being Fabulous is such an easy thang for miss Awa
I am so proud to be an African Woman among so many exceptional African Women.
When I first saw this young lady on the very popular networking group hi5 (come on y'all ..I know that y'all on there....don't even try lol) I knew that she had something special to her besides her look...Being me I decided to find out, and I wasn't wrong this 23 year old sista who did her high school in the States and who is currently completing her undergrad is so drivenn....
She was the SALUTORIAN of her high school (respect miss Awa),
the President of the National Honor Roll Society, is currently a sorority sister with Alpha Kappa Psi and is working on a degree in Busines Administration...oh and just so that you know she's fineee:)
Anywhoo let's go!!!
How would you define yourself as an African woman?
I would say that I am proud as well as unique. I believe that as an African woman I am not only humble but I possess a strong sense of assertiveness. My complexion makes me stand out and I am glad because I am not just a member of the crowd.
I would say that I am proud as well as unique. I believe that as an African woman I am not only humble but I possess a strong sense of assertiveness. My complexion makes me stand out and I am glad because I am not just a member of the crowd.
How do you define yourself as an African woman living in the western world?
I am continuously seeking to better myself which would in return benefit my beautiful land of Senegal. Having witnessed the the atrocities that my people encountered on a daily basis for over a decade, I am now able to reminisce and try to discover ways to improve their lives. I am able to appreciate what America has to offer. I additionally intend on taking advantage of all of the opportunities that come my way and make the most of them.
What do you miss the most about living in Senegal ? What do you miss the least?
I miss being able to visit my family members whenever I desire. Since I use to live without my parents in Senegal, I love being with them now. So, I guess that is what I miss the least.
How do u stay connected 2 ur African roots? Do u visit often?
Although I have not been back in over a decade, I call on a weekly basis to see how my relatives are doing. I visit seneweb.com on a daily basis to read updates about my beautiful land. I was also recently involved in the latest elections as one of the individuals in charge of ensuring that the elections progress according to the bylaws of our constitution.
From your profile , I know that you spent most of your teens here, how was that experience, did you get teased quite a lot for being an African young lady?
During my first months in the United States there were several young men in my class that constantly teased me about my complexion. However, I did not let them deter me from my goals. In fact, they further encouraged me to seek for greatness. By the time we were in our senior year in high school, I was the class salutatorian, one of those young men dropped out and the other had to repeat the 12Th grade. So, in the end, I became the successful one.
It seems also that you were very active on campus? Can you tell us a bit of that experience?
I am currently the Vice-President of Membership of the Iota Rho chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi as well the the ex-secretary of the organization. I additionally was the Vice-President and President of the Native African Student Organization. I am also a strong believer in giving back to the community, so I am always involved in community service events around campus. I love to take on leadership roles in the organizations that I am involved in because because it ultimately helps me further develop my innate leadership skills and better prepare me for the successful future that lies ahead of me.
Does your family live here w/u?
I do live with my parents along with my older brother, sister, and my younger brother.
Do you feel that African kids tend to want to experience the American life to the fullest, or do you feel that they tend to wanna stay solely among themselves?
I believe as kids we have the tendency to want to belong, or "fit in". Therefore, we go to great lenghts to prove that we are cool and are worthy of becoming Americans. However, I think that we should take the wonderful aspects of our culture and blend them with those wonderful aspects of the American culture. With such a positive mixture, we are deemed to achieve the greatness that our parents brought us to America for.
What are you currently going for in college?
I am currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance.
Also I see that you are part of a sorority? Can you tell us a bit about that experience?
It is actually a Professional Co-Ed Business Fraternity. It has afforded me the opportunity to develop a professional skills as well as build lifelong friendships.
What attracted you to that particular sorority, what do you feel like it brings you as a person?
As I previously stated, Alpha Kappa Psi is the best of both worlds. Not only am I able to develop as a professional, I am also able to build bonds and have fun with some of the most wonderful individuals I have encountered.
What attracted you to that particular sorority, what do you feel like it brings you as a person?
As I previously stated, Alpha Kappa Psi is the best of both worlds. Not only am I able to develop as a professional, I am also able to build bonds and have fun with some of the most wonderful individuals I have encountered.
What would you say to an African sista who would like to join a sorority?
I would definitely encourage them to do so. They would just simply have to make sure that the organization has a purpose and will help them grow as a human being.
What are the essential beauty tips u would give to women?
Basically deodorant, and body spray. I think that as a female you have to smell nice in order to be approachable.
Would you agree that we African women are the most feminine women period?
Definitely! I think that we are always seeking ways to explore as well as enhance our feminism.
Where do u see yourself in 5 years professionally and personally?
Definitely, already completing my master's degree in either Child Advocacy or Public Health. Hopefully married and starting my non-profit organization.
How do u think us as African women can help our country (give specific answers ) please?
I think that we should help the children, whom are our future. As cliche as it might sound, without an educated youth our country will not achieve its capabilities. I intend on opening my own orphanage for the "Talibe" and provide them with a safe haven. Ultimately, enable them to achieve their goals.
Who are your favorite African designers?
Modou N'Diaye
Could you see yourself moving back home 1 day or do you feel that your future is here?
I intend on moving back home at the age of 40, God willing.
Who are you African role models?
My parents, My brothers and Sister and Nelson Mandella whom persevered among the face of adversity.
What differentiate your generation of women from your mother’s generation?
I truly believe that our generation is more outspoken and will definitely bring forth numerous positive changes in our great nation.
Do you feel that women nowadays tend to be more pro-active about their future and not so much depend on men?
Absolutely! Women are now opening their eyes and believing that they are in charge of their own destinies.
Do you feel disconnected when you go home from your friends who never lived abroad?
Even though I have not been home, I do feel somewhat disconnected because we are all a product of our environments. Growing up in America, I feel that I am more proactive than my friends that live in Senegal.
Is there a quote you live by?
Respect yourself than everyone else will respect you second.
Do you read any books by African authors, or magazines?
Ousmane Sembene, what a great author!
Who’s your inspiration, what drives you?
Definitely my mother. My goal is to just tell her to retire and that I will take care of her for the rest of her life.
What are the keys to success according to you?
Confidence and aiming high are the keys to success. I think that if you reach for the sky and believe in yourself your goals will become a reality.
Who do u admire for their business skills?
My mother. She is the ultimate hustler.
What ‘s your favourite book?
Xala by Ousmane Sembene. It truly depicts our culture in an accurate manner.
How important is religion or spirituality to you?
Religion is definitely important to me because it helps me maintain my the faith that I have in myself.
African celebrity wise who would you love to work with?
Abdou Guitte Seck.
What’s the proudest moment of your life?
My proudest moment in life was being Salutatorian of my high school graduating class which afforded me the opportunity to attend college on a full scholarship.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
I love music and going to restaurants with my friends.
If someone were to visit in Dakar for the first time, where would you take them to have a good time?
Gore Island
Last but not least what do you know for sure in life?
I know that my mom is the Greatest!!! (biased but true. lol!)
Well thank you Miss Awa it was a pleasure interviewing you, def' part of that generation of African New Leaders, keep being this beautiful articulate, smart, focused and driven young woman....let's do this again in 10 years..:)
Djaa Senegalese Women are Fierce:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
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