Ma maman Jolie a moi me donne a manger

Il fait froid dans ce continent..mais j'ai ma jacket...!!

Here's me and my papa Pitt..dont we look nice in black:)
La famille United Colors of Benetton!!
I know ..I know I'm full of shitt but hey miss Zahara is a celebrity now...!!
So why not take a look at the evolution of the most famous Ethiopian baby girl in 2 word
I do think that she neeeds help in the clothing department..I have yet to see what they'll do to her hair...
No in all seriousness...Im not a big team/Jolie fan, but I respect some of her actions..I appreciate the fact that she helps out children in need, I appreciate the fact that she brings light on International Affairs in an American society where "everyone looks out for themselves"..
Anywhoo Zahara I have my eyes on you..lol:)
Djaa Ethiopian babies are cutee:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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