Her first novel

We as African people...African women keep astounishing me over and over again...
So i just discovered Fatou Biramah from Togo (big up to groovylady & sarah ) "an urban writter" .She defines herself first of all as a woman before being a Togolese woman born in France...
Fatou choses to co-write her autobiography in the novel "Negresse" where she depicts her trouble into defining herself as An African woman living in France, her troubled youth and her many unhappy love encounters in the french hip hop industry... She also has another novel called " Confessions d'1 Salaud" (Asshole..lol)
I'll say she def' a voice that needs to be heard in this Pan-African society
For more info:
(I hate myspace but it's really usefull)
(I hate myspace but it's really usefull)
Djaa Togolaise Women are more fiyaa:)
Eyee Wayee:)
Eyee Wayee:)
J'aime que t'as pense a nous les togolaises aussi..J'ai un de ces livres..ele est bonne..et aussi une inspiraiton pou rmoi surtout que j'aime ecrire...
merci ça fait plaisir ;)
je vais mempresser de lire son livre a cette demoiselle
a sarah aussi
Peace GrOOvylady
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