Djimon @ the Premiere of the Departure

Monsieur waye:)

Djimon & Charleze T.
Yes dog..what'up boo:)

Djmon dans le blanc wayee:)

Monsieur waye:)

Djimon & Charleze T.

Djmon dans le blanc wayee:)
The definition of the proud intelligent black man with his strong and beautiful features.
At 42 years old (quand meme..waouh i didn't know he was that old) this man is still shining in Hollywood w/ a new movie set to come out Dec'8th 2007 called Black Diamond w/the likes of Matt Damon..
Let's remenber that he was nominated at the Oscars 2004 for his role as Mateo the dying AIDS painter in the movie "In America " (great piece by the way). We all know that his role as Cinque in the movie "Amistad" was his business card in Hollywood. Let's not forget his role in the "every-man movie" Gladiator. Oh and his role in "Beauty Shop" as Queen Latifa's love interest (don't blame u sis..very charismatic..lol).
Anywhoo wanna know more:
Djaa les Beninois sont thioff aussi:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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