I didn' know much abt the first mother of the Muslim Believers, Aicha (SAS) the second wife of the Prophet Muhamed (SAS) so I was uber excited when I saw this book at our local bookstore. It was so good that I didn't want to put it down..I felt transported to that time , I felt the heat, the touch of the djelibas , the taste of camel milk and dattes, and the suffering of my spiritual community.
The author Genevieve Chauvel did an awesome job as a Christian woman to describe Aicha's life, I actually wondered how she did it with so much objectivity. I guess when you are really convinced of your faith nothing will change it .
What I discovered and I didn't know is that Aicha was born at the same time as the Angel Gabriel was sharing the revelation with the Prophet Muhamed (SAS) , and also that Kadija the first wife of the Prophet, first person who believed that he was the Prophet is the one who delivered the baby.
Aicha was described as having red hair, and was very young when she was intimate with the Messenger, in my opinion and I repeat my opinion ,she was a different little girl and had a supernatural maturity which allowed that to happen.
The Prophet Muhamed (SAS) ended up marrying nine wifes and Aicha as a very jealous and possesive woman she cried and doubted of his love each time he did that, but he always reassured her of his love and of her title as his favorite..
Aicha helped by Hafza one of the wives of the Prophet and her friend in the house, would play tricks on the other wives to get rid them or to take the attention of the Messenger away from them.
She was known for her great intelligence, and her memory and would learn the versets of the Koran under the teaching and recomendations of the Prophet Muhamed. He would ask her to remenber his teachings for the days when he wouldn't be alive, indeed when the Messenger passed away people would come from all over the country to learn more and to be clear bt decisions to take.
She was chosen by Allah to be present when the Prophet Muhamed (SAS) would receive the visits of the Angel Gabriel, at those moments the Messenger would get cold and she would hold him in her arms and sometimes remind him of what Gabriel would say.
It was in her arms that he passed away as well, it was in her room that the Prophet and Abu Bakr her father and the companion of her husband were burried.
What I discovered also is that there was a war, called la guerre du chameau which responsability laid on her, two hypocrits convinced her to engage in a fight which resulted in a humengous loss within the Muslim community.
She never forgave herself and punished herself by living a life of sobriete and by praying and asking for forgiveness continously until her death.
I loved this book and will def' offer it as a gift ..!
There are other books on Aicha and I'll def try to read another one which will probably give me another perspective on her
Here's the author webbie: (it seems like she really enjoys writting abt strong women, def' an author to try)
Djaa we need to read more:)
Eyeee Wayee:)
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