Love the sable colors

Sable sand, grey

Orchid color

I love the soothing feel of their modern graphics designs; the trees, the branches, the green and sable color remind me of my lovely African nature, it may not have been the goal of Nicole Chiala and Kristina de Corpo the 2 friends who started the company in 2004.
Through the years and the different events that took place in their lives they added new items , for example after they both experienced motherhood they added nursery items to the line.
The company is proud of their use of organic products and organic fabrics and dyes.
They sell bedding items, furniture, placement, mur decorative items ect...I like it a lot:)
They sell bedding items, furniture, placement, mur decorative items ect...I like it a lot:)
Here's their webbie:
Djaa we women are doing it and doing it well:)
Eyeee Wayee:)
Thank you for following!
Can't wait to read more of your blog:)
shall i just say that i totally appreciate the loveliness of your blog ... you keep us displaced africans scattered around the world connected thru art and song and africa's beauty
love it!!
great post !!!!!
soo relaxing. lovely post
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