I just had to share the talent of Zimbabwean Jazz songstress Eska..and that is if you don't already know all abt her...
Critics compare her to Stevie Wonder, Prince ect..ok some call her "the Queen of UK Soul"...need I sweat her even more...
As a child she listened to all kind of music, african, jazzy, classical music, maybe that's what explained her open mind to playing with different kind of artist toda

At the beg of this year, she was on tour with the Mathew Herbert Big Band in Australia where she reports on her blog that she had mad fun but felt ready to come back to the UK to lay new musical tracks...
Hope to one day experience her live so that I can say as a fan of hers
"Eska you are emotional"
You can listen to her, here:
Djaa our sistas from Zimbabwea sont dedans aussi:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
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