UPDATE ON POST: Waouh Im so impressed by all of you Fabulous bloggers, bip up to my people from Belize, Nigeria, Gabon, Congo, Camer, Senegal, Namibia, Ghana..I'll soon list all your webbies..but I just had to take a minute to say waw Im amazed at how talented we all are..
Thank you for introducing US to ur blogs, keep sending them..hey we all can learn from each other..going to see Bisso Na Bisso (Congo) performing in Dkr tonite...will come back with thoughts on the concert and introduce some of you to these talented musicians from Congo..bioux bioux:)
Aight so to my Fabulafricana blog stars out there, if you have an African blog or blog on anything African , please send me your links..
- I am reogarnizing on the rite side of my bloggie all the cool links of Fabulafrican bloggers by African countries and by subject..
- If you have "linked" me and you think that I may have forgotten to link you back, please receive all my apologies and please send me your link so that I can return the favor...
- If you think that there are great blogs on African culture ect...out there that other Fabulafricana people should be aware abt, please send me the link...
We are all Fabulafrican Blog Stars, so kudos to all of you African Bloggers out there:)
Our hair should be back soon!
Thank you for the suport!
I'm 100% African (born and brought up in Ghana), although both my parents are not Ghanaians and I no longer live there...
My blog is not about any one particular topic - it's about everything and anything I feel passionately about, including my roots..:)
Tres Bonne initiative, comme ca on fera la connaissance de plus de blogs, et merci encore de m'avoir nomme dans la liste du senegal. Quand a mon blog ma chere il me tape une de ces crises de nerfs, je peux meme pas te dire, mais bon je le laisse retrouver son calme et je lui reviendrais tres bientot, toi meme tu sais, lol.........
Check out Dulce Camer and Fahschyon she is an african blogger
i love ur blog. Mine is general interest which is a polite term for all over the place. www.pdbraide.blogspot.com
I love your blog, it's great to know there's a lot of blogs about Africa. Keep up the good work and thank you for following my blog. I'm congolese-gabonese and my blog is about afro hair care.
Thanks for listing my blog, you're great! I've got a new one about fiction and short stories. Please add:
Hi,my name is Mazuba and my blog is called African pride.I like to describe it as "the go-to-site for info on african celebs".I have pics of where african celebs were spotted ,I feature up and coming african artists,african entertainment news etc.Here is the link http://africanpride-maz.blogspot.com/
Btw ,i love ur blog.Its on my blog list !hope u add mine to yours!
Thank you for adding my blog to your blog list, I appreciate it. I did the same for your blog on my blog list because I really think yours is great!
Thanks again.
thanks for this! I'm 1/2 Liberian and grew up there before the war. My blog is about a wide range of topics but generally focuses on great works coming out of the continent. Style Noir is also another good blog
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